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I waited and waited, nothing changed. The barn door never opened, my two legged never came to feed me. Whatever, she was probably just tired so she fell asleep in front of the barn. I mentally laughed at that thought, I got up, shaking my coat and stiffly walking to the exit of the stall, the lock was drawn, so I bent my head over the wood and pulled it to the left, the door creakily opened. I stepped out, careful not to wake up the dogs and other horses. That would be a mess, they would insist on me letting them go. I just pushed the stall door back to its place by my rump, quietly heading for the exit of the barn.

The barn door just needed to be pushed, so I did it, the door quietly opened, revealing the empty night, singing crickets and glimmering adornments in the dark sky, stars. The trace of my two legged was close to none. Only the dirty prints her boots left, a couple of slides, the rain made the mud but the sky was clearer than ever, I could count the stars right here, right now. But I would never make it, one would simply always appear and disappear.

I decided to take a gallop to the end of the farm, maybe even sleep outside this very night. I nickered softly and picked up a light trot, extending it and then picking up a canter. My hooved heavily pounded over the ground, yet rhythmically, my rump bouncing up with every lead leg step I made in my canter. I even made it to a short gallop but canter was more adorable. I halted suddenly in front of a jumping course. Joker, liverpool, open water, fan, combination, filler, hogsback, wall, cross rail, triple bar, Swedish oxer, ascending oxer, descending oxer, square oxer, oxer and a vertical. Counted from the most difficult. 

I entered the large course, with confidence looking ahead. I could do a couple of them, not whole certainly. I trotted towards a vertical, picking up a limited canter and leaping over it. The easiest and simplest. Then I did the oxer with no difficulties, and I did all the oxers. The triple bar was slightly difficult, but I did. I failed the Hogsback, stumbling over the poles and a couple of them hitting me. Maybe even that one was the most difficult, I think I would always fail it.  Brilliant, that must've woken up my two legged. I got up after a few moments of being paralyzed, waking up any human sounded scary, even if it was my two legged that dearly loved me.

I shook my coat, doing an uninterested snort and with my head down walking away, this was the only classical course we had here, others were western and such. I need classical to do my dream, I am a thoroughbred, not a pretty quarter. I walked idly towards the barn, seeing the lights flicker in the house, my ears perked at that. I bolted in the barn, my shoes loudly clicking as I galloped in my stall, closing it and laying down almost immediately.  The horse ahead of me pinned his ears, giving me a glare, luckily, the aisle kept us apart because that was the most dominant and aggressive horse this ranch had. It was a silly horse, always glaring and pinning his ears at any four legged or two legged. It scared me. He.

I was stupid to forget to close the barn door, I heard the famous two legged steps, my human was coming to feed me. I got up, nickering and pushing my head through the window, waiting to see the fresh hay and oats. My two legged had a frown on her face, she stomped to me, glaring.

She carried a moldy hay in her hands, throwing it inside and then stomping away. I snorted, gliding to the hay and taking a bite, I would spit it out. I kept on munching it since it was only thing I had, oops, she forgot to bring me the oats. Then I noticed a few grains sticked in the modly hay, the unpleasant smell filled my nostrils. I refused to eat, swishing my tail and turning around suddenly. My expression carried an unhappy read, I banked against the wall, dreaming about my dream. That sounded silly.

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