Chapter 5

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Four Pov

" So You and Tris " Zeke says

" Yeah what's wrong " I say

" I didn't know you liked her " he says

" It was a secret. " I say and then we walk to our class.

" So did you and her you know do it " he says

" Yeah, but we were both a little drunk, but we like each other. " he says and we sit down in our seats, I sit next to tris and Zeke sits next to me.

" Okay class, do whatever you want I don't care, just don't tell the Principle, I'll be right back, just don't do anything to disastering. " the teacher says and walks out.

Tris Pov

All of our friends make a circle with our chairs and sit around and we talk.

" So do you guys want to have a sleepover at my house today. " I say

" Really your parents would let all of us come over " Christina says

" There on a business trip for 2 weeks and they let my brother come a long, so we can have sleepovers whenever we want " I say and they all cheer.

At My House

I'm making snacks for the sleepover tonight with my friends when I hear the doorbell ring. Wow someone's early. I bet it's Christina. I open the door and see Four.

" Hey " I say

" Hi " he says

" I hope I'm not to early, I live right next door and I can't help but sit on my bed waiting for 2 hours till the party starts. " he says " and I missed you " he says

" Sure come in " I say and he gives me a peck.

" What are you making " he says walking to the kitchen.

" Chocolate covered strawberry's, cupcakes, and I'm ordering pizza. That's all I have, I just hope you can help with games. " I say

" Of course I can " he says and lifts me up on to the counter and I giggle.

" So... are you finished with all this cooking? " he ask

" yeah for now, why " I say and giggle some more.

" because I want to make out " he says and Laughs too and I kiss him, he kisses back and we start making out. After about 5 or 10 minutes, I wasn't even keeping track of time, we pull away and I run to the bathroom. I felt something coming up and I throw up straight into the toilet. I hate getting sick and I don't want to be sick today.

" Tris what's wrong " he says threw the door.

" I'm fine, I just didn't feel good " I say an open the door revealing a nervous Four.

" Are you okay " he says holding my checks. I put my hands on top of his and say that I'm okay. Which I am I don't feel sick anymore. I wonder about how could I have thrown up, did I eat something bad, Am I just getting sick, am I pregnant, am I... The pregnant part pops into my head. Am I pregnant, me and four didn't use protection and I was suppose to get my period today. Am I Pregnant... I keep saying in my head. Am I. Me and Four finish making snacks and our other friends finally arrive.

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