Chapter 22

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Tris Pov

Four months pregnant ( skip 3 sorry )

I look like I'm pregnant, my last three months were just little baby bumps and now I have a real bump. I lift up my shirt and look in the mirror and then Four walks in from school, I didn't go to school because I wasn't feeling good this morning and since Four had a test I told him to go.

" What are you doing " he says

" Looking at how fat I am " I say and he wraps his arms around my stomach.

" You are not fat that's just our baby " he says and I smile. He starts kissing my neck and I let him. Then realize we shouldn't do this.

" Don't you have homework " I say and he " uhmmms "me. " Four, I don't think we should do this " I say and he just holds me.

" Ughh why not " he says and I just turn around to him and laugh.

" Because I'm tired " I say and he nods and says okay. He does his homework and I just lay with him in bed cuddling.

" Tris your beautiful ness is distracting me " he says and I blush.

" Four I'm hungry " I say

" What do you want " he says and I think.

" Pizza " I say and he gets the menu in the drawl he has because I always get hungry out of no where and orders pizza.

By the time the pizza comes I'm to tired to eat so I fall a sleep. Four shakes me a wake and I just look at him.

" Four if you don't let me sleep i'm going to get really upset. " I say

" Pizzas here " he says

" I'm not hungry " I say and pout and he leaves me a lone.

Next morning

I wake up with the same feeling as yesterday. Everything is just ughhh, I hate feeling this way. Four try's to wake me up but I just lay there. I open my eyes and look at him.

" What's wrong " he says and I just start to cry. I place my hands on my stomach and start rubbing it.

" I feel crapy " I say and he wipes my tears.

" Don't cry, want me to stay home with you " he says and I nod. He picks me up and places me on his lap. I smile and he rubs my stomach.

" How does that feel " he says

" Good " I say and he kisses my head.

" Why do you make everything feel better " I say and he laughs.

" I don't know " he says and laughs.

" Well you do " I say and snuggle closer to him.

"I love you " I say

" Love you too " he says and I fall back asleep.

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