Chapter 4

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Tris Pov

The alarm goes on and my mom walks into my room making sure I'm up.

" How did you sleep last night honey " she says

" Amazing, like a baby " I say trying to lie. I'm such a bad lair, but good thing she believed it.

" Ok good, I just wanted to make sure were up so that you wouldn't be late for school again. " she says and leaves.

I get out of bed and get ready for work. I feel like wearing yoga pants and a shirt, but I don't want to look like a glob. I put on a pair or black skinny jeans with a shirt that has a skull on it, with my black converse and leave my hair down. I go downstairs and grab a muffin my mom cooked and sit at the counter waiting for Caleb to give me a ride.

" Where's Caleb " I say

" Yesterday he asked to sleep over a friends house " my mom says

" What no... my car isn't working so now I have to walk. " I say. I have 20 minutes to get to school, so I say goodbye to my mom and leave. I'm walking when I see Fours black Ferrari drive by. It stops and he rolls down his window.

" Hey " he says

" Hi " I say

" I missed you this morning " he says

" Yeah sorry, I had to go " I say

" It's fine, if I was a girl. I wouldn't want my parents to know I just had sex" he says with a laugh and I laugh too. " Do you need a ride, this time it's not a joke" he says

" Yeah... thanks " I say and get in the car.

" Sooooo... " he says " yeah this is awkward, I'm just going to say it. " he says kind of nervous. " I really like you and at first I didn't know if my feelings for you were for real, but I like you like a lot. So I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend? " he says and I blush

" I would love too " I say and we get to school, I get out of car and he grabs my hand. We walk to our friends which are all talking to each other. ( weird )

" What's with the hand holding " Christina says

" Were a couple " Four says and I give him a peck. The bell rings meaning we have to get to class.

" See you at class " he says and I nod and leave with Christina and he leaves with Zeke.

" So when did the whole I have feelings for Four happen " she says

" Well he did say he had feelings for me too and I was lying everytime you would say I like four, I actually did like him. " I say going to my locker and getting my books and my getting a sip of my water.

" So did you and Four like do it " she says and I spit my water out.

" Christina " I say

" Sorry, I just wanted to know, so did you guys " she says and I blush.

" Okay okay, we did " I say and we start walking to our class.

"what was it like..." she says and i just walk into the classroom.

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