Chapter 7

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Tris Pov

I let a tear drop and I start balling my eyes out. Christina knocks on the door and tells me to hurry up. I unlock the door and open it and she sees that I'm crying.

" Oh Tris, it's going to be okay, but you have to tell four. " She says and she gives me a hug and I cry into her shoulder.

" Tris, Christina... where are you " Four says. We pull away from our hug and I wipe my tears. I get the stick and pass it to Christina.

" eww I don't want it, take it " she says and passes it back, and I pass it back, then she passes it back to me and I hold it behind my back because four comes in.

" There you are " he says

" Here I am " I say

" I'm going to let you too be " Christina says and goes downstairs.

" So are you okay " he says

" I'm fine " I say and walk to my room, and sit on my bed.

" You don't look okay " he says

" I know because I'm not " I say about to cry again.

" What's wrong " he says sitting on the bed next to me.

" I-iii- I'm preg-nant " I say stuttering and he just sits there surprised.

" What are we going to do " he says

" Well I'm not having an abortion, and I don't want to put the baby up for adoption, so I guess were keeping the baby. " I say and he gives me a hug.

" I like that Idea " he says and he grabs my hand and we walk downstairs together. When we walk downstairs all of our friends start to clap and cheer. Christina told them I guess, we sit in our circle and we talk, mostly about me and the baby.

" So Tris how does it feel to have a baby inside you " Uriah says

" I just found out like five minutes ago, it doesn't feel like anything. i just feel a little sleeper than usual and I pee more, but I don't feel the baby " I say and laugh and the rest laugh because of how stupid Uriah's question was.

" Are you guess keeping the baby or adoption... what? " Shaunna ask

" We are actually are keeping the baby " Four says and I hold his hand.

" How do you think your parents are going to feel about this " Will says

" Ughhhh.... pretty upset, because they still think I'm a virgin, so they are going to be upset at first but it's not like they can do anything. Plus there coming back in 2 weeks so that's when I'll tell them. " I say and lay my head back on the couch bars.

" Can we stop talking about me being pregnant, I feel like I'm going to barf " I say

" That's a symptom of being pregnant " Christina says and we all laugh, then I get up and run to the bathroom and barf. I knew it. I start crying. I open the door and see a worried four, I give him a hug and he kisses my head.

" It's okay... it's okay " he says rubbing my hair.

" I know " I say and he wipes my tears.

" Next time let me help you hold your hair you have throw up in it " he says and we laugh.

" I have to take a shower " I say " can you keep our friends company " I say

" Sure " he says and I go take a shower.

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