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With your legs around his waist, he makes a muffled whimper against your neck. Your back hits the mattress, his hands quickly undoing the buttons on your shirt. Pulling you closer, he purrs seductively in your ear. "I want you. Now."


With your legs around his waist,he continues kissing you, somehow managing to keep you up with one hand on your bum. His other hand going down your sides. He pauses, looking at you "Can I?" he asks quickly. You nod and he smiles, trailing kisses. "You've been very naughty. Very" he whispers.


With your legs around his waist, his eyes turn a shade darker. His smile fades as soon as he realises what your intentions, your sexual actions arousing him. He kisses you hard, barely forming a proper sentence. "God, you're so good. So good," he moans.


With your legs around his waist, he pushes you against the wall, your height now level with him. He hoists you up with his strong & defined arms. He presses his hips, his lips sucking and biting your neck making sure to leave a noticeable mark. "You drive me crazy. So f*cking crazy" he groans out.


With your legs around his waist, his kisses fall on your neck. Clumsily pulling off his shirt, he drops you harshly on the soft bed. Your legs are still wrapped around his hips and he looks at you, eyes full of adoration & lust. "I guarantee that you won't be able to walk tomorrow" he smirks evilly.

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