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I groaned, switching off my phone alarm clock and stretched out my arms. I rubbed my eyes and sleepily walked over to the closet, picking out my clothes for work.

Grabbing my towel off the desk chair, I walked to the door and looked over at Liam sleeping peacefully on the bed. He looked so cute and cuddled up in the blankets. I carefully opened the door and closed as quiet as possible, trying not to wake him up.

Opening the door to the bathroom and locking it once I'm inside I strip off my clothes. Stepping into the shower, I let the lukewarm water soothe my body.

I put on my black skinny jeans and a white shirt. I slipped on my hoodie, pulling my hair out and braiding it to the side. I picked up my clothes from the floor and made my way to the laundry.

I just had enough time to go to McDonalds and order breakfast for the both us. I grabbed my keys off the table, my purse and my phone. Stepping into the car, I started it up. It was cloudy and cold and even if the heater in the car was on high, it still didn't do anything to warm me up.

Turning right into the entrance, I quickly found a parking spot. I closed the car door and went into McDonalds. There was only one person on each queue so I lined up and ordered the usual.

I grabbed the food from the passenger seat and unlocked the door. Liam was sitting on the couch and watching TV. "Hi" I whispered, my arms going around his neck. He tilts his head up, lightly kissing my nose. "Hey" he says softly. "C'mon let's eat. I bought McDonalds" I wiggled the bag.

He cheers and jumps up from the couch, sitting down on the chair straight away. I laugh at his behaviour and put the bag on the table, taking a seat next to Liam and pulling the food out.

"I really love pancakes" he says, his mouth full. "Hey don't talk with your mouth full" I scolded playfully. "Yes ma'am" he mocks. We ate our food and talked about anything.

I look at my watch and my eyes widen. I pushed back my chair and put the rubbish in the bin, smoothing my shirt. "Woah, woah. Why are you in a rush?" he questions, standing up.

"I have to go to work." I say, kissing him on the cheek. Just as I was about to to walk away, Liam's muscular arms wrapped around my waist stopping me from moving.

He turns me around to face him, brown eyes meeting mine. "Please stay" he whispers, thumb running my cheek.

I close my eyes at his gentle touch and open them again. "I can't Liam. I've been skipping so much lately" I say, trying to get out of his grip. However, he only tightens his hold. He leans in closer, his eyes flickering between my lips and eyes.

Ever so softly, he brushes his lips against mine. "Please" he whispers against my lips, making it really hard for me to smash my lips to his. I nod, finally giving in.

Without a second thought, he presses his lips to mine. His lips move against mine slowly, passion. I tangle my hands in his hair, tugging it softly. His soft hands cup my cheek, warmth spreading.

He pulls back and kisses my forehead, a small smile on his face. "C'mon let's go back to bed" he says, intertwining his fingers between mine. I nod, letting him lead us to the bedroom.

Anyway I was happy to stay in with him. We haven't spent that much time with each other and I really missed him. This was absolutely perfect.

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