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WARNING: Read at your own risk. Next few chapters will be quite dirty...


Quickly walking to my locker, I checked my timetable to see what class I have next. English,great. I groaned loudly, hitting my head on my locker. My best friend, Steph was looking at me concerned. "What's wrong?" she asks, her brow furrowed. I showed her my timetable, her eyes widening slightly. "Holy shit! You're lucky" she exclaims loudly, causing students to look at her weirdly. "How the hell am I lucky? This is English we're talking about" I say, curious as to why she's acting like this.

She shooke her head at me. "Wait until you see the teacher, Mr Styles" she smirks, biting her bottom lip as if thinking about him. "Who?" I said, walking with her when the bell rang. "All the girls drool over him Ari. He's hot as f*ck" she explained. "As if" I roll my eyes, shaking my head at her. Why do hot people have to be older? Life sucks. "We'll see if you change your mind" she grins playfully. The warning bell rang and I hurriedly said goodbye to Steph after making me promise to tell her all about my hot teacher, walking down the hallway as quickly as I can.

I take a seat at the very back, not making eye contact with anyone. It's frustrating that Steph or any of my other friends weren't in the subject I dislike the most. I open my notebook, sketching outside of the margins to pass time. The class was getting noisy and it was really starting to get irritating. But everyone stopped when he walked in. "Take your seats" he called out, his voice raspy and deep.

Everyone went to their seats wordlessly, the girls drooling at the sight in front of them. I'm not gonna lie, my subconscious is fanning herself right now. He was wearing black skinny jeans paired with black boots. He had on a white shirt and a hoodie,the thin fabric of his shirt making his tattoos slightly visible and his curly hair was pushed back. But his eyes are what reeled me in the most, they were a gorgeous green. Holy shit I thought to myself. Steph was right, I'm damn lucky to be in this class!


So I've decided that this might go on for a few chapters. As I said this might be just a short story. Please bear with me and wait patiently for it to progress as this is my first time writing a short story. Thank you guys for reading and voting!! Bai bye guys!

Regina x

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