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Going to your annual summer camp, you make your way to your cabin. Looking around you see a mop of brown curls, and a muscular arms; curious you follow the mysterious figure. Stopping at what seems to bet a lake, loosing him you look around, not spotting a mop of curls anywhere you shrug and leave. Trying around you see the figure hovering over your small height. "Were you looking for me?" He smiles his hot breath sinking into your pale skin. "I, uh" you stumble. He smiles giving you a low raspy chuckle. "Well you found me, what you're gonna do with me?" He smirks. Blushing you speak, "I was just going to say hi." "What's your name?" He asks you. "I'm Y/N" you smile, clearly liking him. "I'm Harry" he says and kisses your cheek. "Mmmh, you smell nice" he laughs. Blushing, he holds out his hand, and you gladly take it. This is going to be an interesting year...


Smiling you look at the very slim dress that is on you, silk red. You are heading out with friends to a nearby club.

You are dancing your heart out with your friends, you had at least 3 shots and you're not even drunk. A pair of muscular hands grabs your waist, "Hey babe" the voice says, 'He's not drunk' you think. "Don't worry I'm not drunk" the voice says and turns you around. You look at the boy closely, brown hair in a slight fringe with soul looking eyes. "Uh, hey" you smile uneasily putting your hands on his chest, keeping distance. "Hello, I'm Louis Tomlinson and I think I like you" he says, making you blush. A slow song comes on and both you and Louis dances like there's no tomorrow.


There was no doubt you were drunk, very drunk. You spent the whole night at your friend's house, partying and drinking. Saying goodbye to the host of the party, you made your way to the door. Just as you were about to turn the door handle, someone grabbed your arm, stopping you. "You didn't say bye to me," he pouted. You recognise as one of your brother's friends and bonus, this guy is attractive. "I'm Zayn by the way," he smiles sweetly. "I'm Y/N" you say politely. You wonder 'Its impossible to talk to someone attractive like him'. "Well bye," you say awkwardly. "See you around Y/N" he waves grinning widely. 'Oh my gosh' you think to yourself.

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