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Mix of POV's! The YOUR POV's will be in first person again.☺️



Y/N was taking a bit too long. We had to go to her friend's welcoming party soon and she's still not ready. The dress code is formal so that's probably why she's taking so long. "Y/N babe, we're going to be late" I called out loudly. "I'm almost done. I just need to fix my hair" she shouted from upstairs. I went over to the couch and brought my phone out of the pocket, scrolling through twitter. "Niall let's go" she says from behind me. I turned and my eyes widened at the sight of her. Her hair was in a braid across the back, the strands going through the braid with ends of her hair curled. She had on a mint green dress that stops a over her knees. Holy shit! I thought to myself. "You look stunning babe" I complimented, her cheeks pink. "I'm gonna keep you by my side at the party. Don't want other guys eye raping you" I teased. She laughs and takes my hand and says "Yours for the rest of the party babe" she winks.


Stepping out of the shower, I looked at the time to see that it was only 7:30. Zayn & I were both invited to my cousin's graduation party and I had put on my dress and went into the shower to start on my makeup. Finishing the last touches, I put my hair into a high ponytail and left my fringe alone, pulling out shorter pieces of hair to frame my face. I was about to start curling when I heard Zayn shout "Hey babe, can you help me with something?" Turning the curling iron off, I went into our bedroom. My jaw dropped at the sight of him. He was wearing dress pants and white button up, making his tattoos visible. His hair was was messy and down as he hasn't styled it yet. He looked irresistible. "Babe?" he asks, smirking when he caught me staring. "Can you help me tie this please?" he holds up the tie. "Uh yeah, sure" I croak out, still in a daze. I walk towards him and start tying the tie. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me closer and kisses me softly. "Don't you look beautiful?" he says, smiling widely. "Thank you, you look hot." Blood rushed to my cheeks, him chuckling at my reaction. "I know" he says cockily. "Now go & get ready" he playfully commands. He slaps my butt, causing to me yelp in surprise. Cheeky bastard.


My long hair was in loose waves, my fringe in a french braid to keep it out of my face. I had on a strapless midnight blue dress, stopping mid-thigh. Luckily, Lou the boys' hair stylist and makeup was here to help. With her here, the makeup won't look like a mess because everytime I put some on for formal events, something is always wrong. Like for example, my eyeliner is always okay on one eye but on other side well it looks...weird. "Thanks Lou" I said to her. "No worries Y/N. Harry won't be able to resist" she adds cheekily making you laugh. I quickly grabbed my heels and trudged down the stairs. All the boys were downstairs, laughing and being 'normal.' "Hey guys" I greet them. All heads turned to me, all their yes widening slightly. "Holy shit. Harry you better realise how lucky you are" Niall was first to break the silence, smiling at me. It was then that I turned to look at Harry and he stood up, walking to where I was. He looked like incredible in his tight black skinny jeans paired with his worn out boots.He had a light blue button up, a tie and a black blazer. "I sure am Niall" he tells his best mate. "You look so cute" I gush, his cheeks slightly turning pink. Chuckling, he puts his arm around my shoulder calling the rest of the boys. "Let's go guys." He turns to look at me a bright smile on his face, "You look hot in that dress" he winks.


I was looking forward to just laying in bed with Y/N but the boys just told me were nominated for an award and we had to attend. I convinced management to allow Y/N to come and we were both getting ready as the boys were on their way. Putting my blazer on, I grabbed my shoes from the shoe rack and went into the kitchen for something to eat while waiting for Y/N to finish. "Louis do I look alright?" she asks shyly. "You alway...woah" I exclaim in awe when I turned around. She looks absolutely beautiful. Her fringe was braided while the rest of her hair was in loose curls. She had on a black dress that stopped mid- thigh and stroppy heels. " look amazing" I gushed taking her into my arms. "I'd say the same to you, but you always look amazing" she says shyly. "Thanks babe" I kissed her on the cheek as the car horn beeped from outside. Glaring at other guys tonight, I thought to myself.


Y/N was still curling her hair in the bathroom while I was in the lounge room watching TV. I look at my watch and it reads 8:15. We had to be before the rest of the guests arrive so we could help her friend prepare. The lads texted saying that they were already there because we're going to perform for them. I was about to go into the bathroom to see if she was done when she stepped out. She looks gorgeous, her hair in a half up hairstyle and loosely curled. She was wearing a lavender dress that stops just above her knees with a white bow tied around her waist paired with white lace heels. "Don't you look ravishing?" I say, staring at her. "Don't you look incredible?" he mimicks my tone. "Do you like it?" she asks me, twirling around. "Yes. Very much" I grin taking her hand in mine and walking to the door.


Hello! There might be another update later on since I haven't updated for quite a while so here it is. Hope you like it! Bai bye.

Regina x

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