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HII GUYS! Oh my gosh it's been soooo long since I've last updated but I'm please to announce that I will be continuing this book so HEYO THERE!!

So I've decided to continue my one shots because I've missed writing short stories about each one of the boys. I'm really excited to keep going as I have plenty of one shot ideas in the works for all of you. The updates for one shots are going to take more time as I'll be focusing more on Promise which I encourage you to read.

Still, thank you for getting this book to 2.29k reads which I find a bit weird since this was the first book I've ever written. It's also much more bizarre to see that Promise somehow has 5.51k reads and its all because of all of you. Such lovely people you all are :))))

Now that I've got that out, shall we start with the one shots?
Regina xx

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