~Chapter 1~

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Ages: Chris - 25 | Sebastian - 27 | Ryder - 9 | Hunter - 6 | Ben - 4

"Good morning," Chris said, rubbing the bare back of his omega. He let his hand creep under Sebastian's arm to his chest, where he proceeded to spoon him.

"Mmmm," Sebastian said, sleepily. "I'm sleeping, Chris." Chris pinched his partner's nipple and saw a grin spread across his face. "Okay, okay. What do you want?" Sebastian said, turning his neck so he could look at his lover.

"I want you," Chris half whispered. They leaned in to kiss each other but broke it when they heard the sound of a loud thud hit the floor and then crying.

"Why can't we ever have morning sex?" Chris whined. "Because our kids are allergic to sleep and wake up at ass-o'-clock in the morning," Sebastian chuckled.

Chris looked at the door and heard footsteps come running toward their bedroom.

"Mommy!" the door burst open and their youngest son, Ben came running in, jumped onto the bed and curled up next to Sebastian, tears streaming down his face.

Their middle son, Hunter, came running but stopped when he saw his younger brother crying in their Mom's arms. "I swear to God, Dad, I didn't do anything," he said, putting his hands up in defense.

"That's not true!" Ben said, his brown eyes big and watery, tears threatening to stream down his face again. Chris sighed and put his arm around the older boy's waist.

He looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "What did you actually do?" he asked the boy. "I may have eaten some of his candy," Hunter said, as he rolled his blue eyes.

"Dude! You totally had this coming! You can't go around eating your brother's candy." Chris turned to his youngest son. "And Benji, where did you get candy? You're not supposed to have that in your room. That's just asking for your brothers to take it."

Hunter looked down at his hand which had teeth marks on it and tried to hide it from his Dad but Chris saw it and turned to face Ben. "Benji! Did you bite your brother? We've got to work on using our words and not our teeth."

Ben looked at his Dad with big puppy eyes which broke Chris. "You're lucky you're so damn cute," he said, ruffling his son's hair. "Daddy said a bad word!" Hunter said, looking at Sebastian. "Daddy's allowed to say bad words," Chris said with a roll of his eyes, pushing the down comforter off of him. He sat up, put a shirt on, then picked Hunter up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Benji, do you wanna stay with Mommy or come with me?" Chris asked his son. Ben was sucking his thumb and scooched closed to Sebastian, who started stroking his dark brown hair.

Chris shook his head, grinning. Sebastian and Ben came down a few minutes later, followed by Ryder, their oldest son. Sebastian put a hand on his protruding stomach as Chris passed him, giving his omega a playful slap on the ass.

Sebastian got their breakfast ready and watched them inhale it at impressively disgusting speeds. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Chris asked, pushing his husband's plate closer to him. Sebastian dodged the plate and shook his head.

"You're eating for two now, you should," Chris said, giving his omega a disapproving look. As soon as he said that, Benji lost it. He ran up to Chris, his eyes watery, and tried to hit him but Sebastian caught him.

"I don't want another baby!" he shrieked. He struggled as he tried to escape from his Mom's arms. He tried to grab at Chris's shirt but Sebastian flipped him over onto his back and cradled him. "You're still my baby. You'll always be my baby," he cooed, tickling Ben's stomach.

"I wanna be your baby, too, Mommy," Hunter said, trying to hug his Mother. Ben slapped Hunter's chest. "Mine," he stated. Sebastian ignored Benji's reaction and reached his arm out and gave his son a one-armed hug.

Ryder did the same thing, dodging his brother's incoming slap. He poked Benji in the stomach which earned him a look from his Mom. "Do not rile him up any more than he is, young man," Sebastian said.

"Okay, okay, sorry Mom," he said rolling his eyes. The two adults cleared the table as Ryder, Hunter and Benji ran around the kitchen island counter, chasing each other. Chris turned around to face the counter. He reached over to grab another plate to wash and almost tripped over Ryder.

"Okay boys, out," he commanded, pointing toward the couch. They all marched obediently to the couch and turned on the TV to watch cartoons.

Not even five minutes later, there was screaming. "Dad! Tell Ryder to give me back the remote!"

"No, we're not watching your show. It's stupid!" Ryder said, holding the remote over his head so that his brothers couldn't reach it. Hunter was standing on the couch, trying to get to his brother's height but Ryder dodged all of his brother's grabby hands.

"Don't you guys get tired of fighting?" Chris asked his sons. He put the plate he was drying down and walked over to the couch, plucking the remote from Ryder.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, turning around. "Dad, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"I'm not on anyone's side," Chris said plainly. He changed the channel to a movie channel. "Here, watch this," he said, throwing the remote down. The boys sat down, engrossed in the movie.

Once the alpha and omega were done cleaning, the sat down in the couch and all five of them finished the movie.

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