Chapter 15

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Rin: So much for quick..

me: Shut up and be patient.


Chapter 15

~ Unknown POV ~

I suddenly got here, not knowing exactly where I'm going, how I got here, and why me. I see that I'm somewhere in the past, but it also feels like the present and somewhat the future.

I also don't know exactly who I am.

Or who I was, or who I will be.

All I know is that I was brought here for a purpose.

Anyway, I walk around the place, looking for at least someone to tell me where I am. A breath flew in and out of me several times. I close my eyes and images of tears falling suddenly came up. Pain; sorrow; yearn- I never felt these before. Love.

What is that?

I sat down on the grass, thinking to myself, what is it that made me suddenly stop?

What is love?

(A/N I immediately thought of EXO's "What is Love" :P sorry continue!)


General POV

Sesshomaru tilted his head upwards, sensing the presence of something.. foreign. It was not natural, and it could mean bad news. As he raced towards the strange scent of the thing, Jaken was left behind, not all too thrilled to be left behind and forgotten. He was too engrossed in his exhaustion to utter words, but continued on to follow his master.

As soon as Jaken arrived, Sesshomaru and another being he was not familiar with were having a brawl, and a mighty bloody one, lemme tell you that. Curses and words spewed like nothing mattered and no rules were present, which in fact, really no rules were around.

Jaken sweatdropped, but he suddenly bacame intrigued by the figure arguing with his lord. An aura around her seemed to mix emotions inside Jaken, as well as Sesshomaru. Pain. Sorrow. Love.

Sesshomaru was fed up with the figure's atritude that he raised his right hand to reveal his sharp claws. Before he could strike, the figure grabbed his wrist like it were nothing but child's play.

"You foolish being!" It bellowed. "Do you know how dangerous it could be if you chipped your nails? You have to be careful!!"

The all-powerful dog demon only looked in confusion and withdrew his hand. He let out a small growl before turning slightly. He didn't utter a word. Jaken, feeling a bit left out, wabbled his way to the duo.

"M-Milord.. who is that?" His voice shook with a slight tremor, but soon relaxed to see that the figure gave a small, reassuring smile.

"'That' has a name you know: Slivvy." He-she-it crossed their arms as they gave a closed eye pouty face. Jaken sweatdropped.

"Don't be so imprudent you shrimp! You have no right to have such attitude towards Milord! Now would you please leave?"

Slivvy laughed. It wasn't a playful laugh nor one wicked. It was almost like a mixture of amused and hurt.

"You're one to talk, shrimp. I can do whatever I want! Also, I feel like I could help you guys somehow."

Jaken gave a questionable stare while Sesshomaru slightly turned towards Slivvy, suddenly a bit interested in what it has to say.

"Ah.. but first! I need introduction from the both you!"

Both Jaken and Sesshomaru growled, but suddenly stopped, knowing that if they need help, this was probably going to change everything.


"Jaken! Milord's trusted servant and sideki- ACK!" Jaken was quickly put away from words once Sesshomaru had kicked him a few meters away.

Jaken only grumbled in pain.

Slivvy stared, smiling.

"Now, I am guessing that you two are, or were, seeking a young maiden who goes by the name of 'Rin.' Am I correct?" Sesshomaru nodded at Slivvy's question.

It's eyes glowed a pink and took hold of Sesshomaru's hands. Suddenly, they were transported to the barriers of Arashi's lair. Sesshomaru's eyebrows furrowed in disgust and hatred. A small thud knocked him out of his thought, and when he looked down

it was only Jaken.


Arashi's POV

I settled down a bit. Suddenly, I had forgotten why I had Rin. Other than her beauty, which was pretty much his goal to get, since he had stalked her the day she was found by that bastard Sesshomaru. He flinched up. He knew why.

He wanted to take everything from Sesshomaru, including the girl he adores.

Suddenly, his smirk etched into a wide-spread grin, which resulted into an eternally horrid abyss of laughter, which screeched the entire room, bouncing off the walls, out of the room. It created echos so terrifying, the darkness was afraid to handle it.

He twirled his cup in between his hands and thought of something so vile, so evil, something that would tear the dog demon's heart into several pieces. And this plan included Rin.

Oh, how he cannot wait for the opportune moment. That was when he laughed maniacally louder. The presence of three bodies. One of them, he knew all too well.

"Well, well," His voice croaked, "Let the real party begin." With that, he got up from his spot and made his way out of the room, and into one that belonged to Rin.

Oh, how Sesshomaru is going to regret ever crossing Arashi's path.


And there you go. Sorry, I was sooooo busy with stuff..

Rin: More like being on YouTube and reading fanfics

Me: shh!!!

Anyway, thank you guys for sticking with me! I actually enjoy writing this book! I'm glad you could share this experience with me.

ALSO!! The book is going to end soon! :3 I have a plan on how to wrap it up.


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