Ch 7

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hey guys for now on michelle is a foster kid. she got taken away from her parents because she causes to much trouble.  so her life is now 10x harder!


~Michelle's POV

the next morning i woke up at my house , hayes must of taken me up.

i looked at my clock, *6:45* i remembered today was Monday. great. 

for some reason i was feeling really lazy so i put on ripped skinny jeans and a grey hoodie, i put my hair in a bun and  i grabbed my bag 

as i walked out the door i came across an old friend of mine, jessica, she was a little taller then me and she always smelled like weed, not that it was a bad thing.

when i came across her she instantly reconized me and juped into my arms

"oh my god michelle!" she yelled

i laughed and hugged her back, "hey jess!"

"hey, you still blaze?" she asked raising an eyebrow 

"ya, why?" i asked slowly getting exicted 

she took out her pipe, which was already set up and her lighter

"you take the first hit." she smiled and we started walking to school 

as i grabbed the pipe i heard my phone ring, it was a message from hayes

i ignored it and took a hit, it felt ...well, conforting you can say. 

when we finally got to school we hid in a bush in the field and took a couple more hits.

the bell rang and everybody went to class, exept for me and jessica, we stayed and smoked some more. we really didnt care anymore, we figured hey! we're failing anyways...

she put music on and we pretty much just enjoyed eachothers high asses. 

i leaned my head against the tree, and for the first time in forever, i was calm. 

no stress. no worries. no bullshit. no nothing. 

my phone rang again, i looked at my phone to see 15 missed calls from hayes, i ignored and turned my phone off.

"i havent seen you ever since you got expelled jess" i said looking back at her to see her passed out on the ground 

i giggled a little and she slowly replied, "i know!"

"how about we get together later" i asked

"sure, ill smoke you out"  she said 


"so whats been going on with you?" she asked

"well, i got ran over the other day" i said as we immediately broke into huge laughter

"wtf? are you serious?" she asked still laughing

"yup" i said laughing at the whole situation

"holy shit! are you ok??" she said immediately as her smile went away, she started to look worried.

"ya, but im fine now." i said 

she nodded and stared at her feet for a while

"jess?" i said trying not to laugh. she was obviously up in the clouds because she claimed to see leprechauns 

"wow, you must be really high." i said 

she looked up at me and we started laughing our ass off.

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