Ch 14

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*Monday, 7am*

~Michelle's POV 

There's school fun! i have to sit around with people i dont like and listen to teachers bitch about my attitude for 7 hours! yay. 

I got up out a bed and picked out a light pair of jeans and a simple black hoodie that read "Sheeran" on it. 

i put my hair in a messy bun and slid on my converse...yuh know, cuz converse R lyfe..

*At My ghetto ass School*

I walked in to see 2 old friends of mine; Emily & Delfina.

i used to hang out with them all the time! we would do everything together. but then hayes and i started going out and i kinda zoned them out....

i walked up to them hoping they'd actually talk to me after all these months.

"hey, guys." i said kinda nervously 

"hey michelle!" they said gladly to see me 

I took a quick sigh of relief and we started talking catching up.

I was actually pretty happy. Maybe i just need to forget about boys for a while.

"hey we should have a sleep over? yuh know? to catch up" Delfina said with a smile

Emily nodded in excitement and i smiled and agreed

"thats sounds great!" i said

"bring pot." emily immediately said

delfina and i looked at her and started laughing.

"ya...bring pot" delfina followed up 

i giggled and nodded... "i didnt know you smoked?" i asked delfina.

"Teach me how. My first time could me with you!" Delifina shouted in excitement

I nodded and laughed. "ok.." 

*Lunch Time* 

Delfina, Emily, and I sat at our old regular table 

I old them pretty much everything that happened between me and hayes.

"damn your a hot mess" emily stated as Delfina laughed

"stfu" i said with a smirk

Turns out Emily went out with Matt and Delfina went out with Cam for a while.

*Emily's House (Sleepover Yo)*

Delfina and i showed up at 8pm. 

Delfina was in Black Nikey shorts and had a black tank top on with her hair up in a ratchet ass bun.(sorry not sorry)

I was in Pink Nikey shorts with a white tank top with my hair flowing down.

I had marijuanananannanaaaa in my pocket (sweg) and Emily had a lighter.

Btw emily was naked...jk. She was wearing soccer pants and  a white tank top.

Emily blasted some music and i set up the blunt.

I put the marijuannnnnnnnna inside and rapped it up. I licked it closed and twisted the end, i past it to Delfina first 

"Newbies First" i winked passing it to her.

She seemed a little scared so i made her hold it and i lit it for her.

"Just inhale nigga" Emily yelled

i laughed as Delfina shoked on the smoke and emily called her a dumbass 

Delfina stayed quiet and rolled her eyes 

"Hey, you didnt do so great on your first time either" i said to emily as Delfina and i started laughing.

We all passed it around a couple times until it was finally out.

*A long time of doing other random shit*

"Damn its 3 in the morning!" Delfina stated

"ya we should probably sleep" I said putting a pillow on the ground

Emily nodded and we all fell asleep.

"Goodnight Hoes!"

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