Ch 12

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 ~Michelle's POV

its been a couple days now and everything's been great!

Hayes invited me to Nash's Birthday party Today, i heard its supposed to be really wild.The whole schools supposed to be there!

*2 Hours Later*

Hayes came with a bag of weed and a bong in his hand. I gave him a smirk and we sat down on the ground, he set up up the bong and passed it to me..

"ladies first" he winked, as i took it from him

i put it to my mouth and deeply inhaled, i held the smoke in for about 5 seconds and then blew it out.

smoke filled the room and hayes smiled as he took the bong from me, he held it to his mouth the same way i did and took a bigger hit. I bit my lip as the smoke went out his nose and slowly into the air.

we both took a couple more hits and slowly got up from the ground. Both our legs were shaking and we just laughed.

"We're really stoned" hayes laughed as i fell over nothing

i laughed at everything he said, even the most simplest stupidest things.

"we better get ready for the party" hayes said

 I nodded and opened my closet. I picked out a black tight skin dress with long open toed heels, i applied some make up on and curled my hair

I looked over at hayes who was wearing a dark grey button up shirt with blue and pink balm trees on it and a pair of dark jeans

I went over to hayes and gripped the colar of his shirt, pulling him closer to me as i pressed our lips together, i couldnt help it he looked really attractive.

We moved our lips in sync and hayes held my waist closer to him, he let out a small moan as we were kissing

i immediately stopped to tease him and he gave me a dirty look. I giggled and kissed him cheek

"love ya!" i said as i skipped out of the door

hayes rolled his eyes and followed behind me.

*Hayes House*

We walked in the house to see beaming lights and people partying like crazy. Hayes and i looked at each other and smiled.

"This should be fun" i winked at hayes

Hayes giggled and got us both a couple of beers, it was a fun night so far.

Every couple minutes there would be a couple that would go up stairs and yuh know...fauuckkk... and we'd cheer them on as they walked up

it was actually kinda funny because i noticed that they were all drunk out of there mind and probably didnt even know what they were doing...

About 10 minutes passed and hayes wasnt anywhere to be seen...i started getting a little worried so i went to go look for him. His house was really big so it was kinda hard.

I passed a few drunk people until i finally spotted him, he was standing in the middle of the dance floor while some girl was grinding on him

My eyes widened as i saw hayes seeming to enjoy it. Jealousy ran threw my body and my eyes started getting watery, i had that horrible crying feeling in my throat that i really hated.

I pushed everyone out of my way as quickly as i could until i bumped into a tall male in front of me. Nash.

"hey michelle!" he said holding a red plastic cup

"hey nash" i said

"whats wrong?" he said

"oh, nothing." i said looking into his big blue eyes

I could tell he knew i was he passed me a beer and smiled.

i smiled back at him and we both drank together, we were having so much fun and i had completely forgotten about hayes .

We played beer pong a couple times until we were both tired out. We sat on the coach and laughed at eachothers stupidness

Nash's smile warmed me up. It was really attractive..."HE" was really attractive! i coulnt help but kiss him.

i held his cheeks with both my hands and pressed our lips together, we ended up making out on the coach until Nash stopped us and suggested we go upstairs.

i smiled knowing what was going to happen and he led me upstairs.

As we were walking up all eyes turned to us and everybody cheered twice as loud...considering i was just about to have sex with the birthday boy.

Nash opened a door that happened to me his room, and led me inside.

I felt his large hands make his way up my body and i bit my lip. He threw me on the bed and got on top of me, i tugged on his shirt a couple times and he took it off and threw it across the room, he did the same to his pants and boxers.

Next, he tugged on my dress signaling me to take it off, i understood and threw it on the floor next to his clothes.

Nash smiled and put a blanket over us, he began with kissing my neck, slowly leaving me brown marks. I tugged on his hair a couple times due to the pleasure and he moaned as he entered me, i clawed my finger nails on his back leaving him red marks, he bit his lip and i moaned.

He began to thrust inside me and my moans got louder.

~Hayes POV

I looked around to see if i saw michelle anywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

I then tried looking for nash to ask him if hes seen michelle but he wasnt anywhere in sight either, i looked around a couple more they werent there.

i decided to ask cam who was sitting on the coach with carter, taylor, and matt..

"hey cam, have you seen michelle?" , "or nash?" i asked

"ya man, they went upstairs about an hour ago" cam replied

"upstairs? why would they be upstairs?" i said confused

cam shrugged his shoulders and i quickly ran up stairs, i opened every door exept 1. Nash's Room.

I gripped the door knob and slowly opened it, i heard moans as i entered the room and on the ground i saw nash and michelles clothes thrown on the gound.

"hello?" i said in a slow confused voice...i knew what was going on but i refused to addmit it.

2 heads popped up from the covers.


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