Ch 16

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~Michelle's POV 

We got to Carl's really quick, considering it was right next to the mall.

We chose to sit outide, it was around 9 so it was dark and there were lots of stoners hanging out.

Everything was starting to go great until a large group of guys, including Hayes sat at the table next to us. This should be good.

I eyed them down...Giving hayes the, "really??" face.

He looked at me for a quick second then turned away. Then out of nowhere her pulled some girl in closer to him by her waist.

"Hey cutie" he says to her. She giggles and replies "Hayyyy" 

i roll my eyes. Knowing what he was doing and continued talking to Emily. Hayes sees that i have no interest in his little game and pushes the girl off.

"Ya nevermind leave..." he says pushing her away, she gasps and walks away with her slut friends.

I giggle a little, at the thought of the whole thing... and look away, Hayes smiles at my giggle and i look away.

"Michelle?" he says rubbing the back of his head.

"No shut up dont talk to us!" Emily Shouts

"Ya?' i say laughing at emily and replying to hayes

"Can i talk to you?" he says 

"No!" Emily once again shouts. 

"Ya i guess." i say 

"Cool." Hayes says leading me to a small lonely corner....Dont think dirty!;) 

''What do you want Hayes?" i say immediatley Showing no interest 

"Listen Michelle. Im really sorry." he says 

"Save it Hayes." i say starting to walk away. 

Before i could leave Hayes immediately grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.

"Just here me out" he says 

'Fine. If i have to" i say rolling my eyes  

''listen michelle. Im really sorry. i shouldnt of let that girl be all over me..and shit.", "But hey! you fucked my brother!"

I start to look back at the whole thing and start feeling really guilty.

"Hayes im sorry! i know. i shouldnt of done that! im just so stupid!" i cry out 

Hayes slightly smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "I love you michelle." , "and i forgive you. Do you forgive me?' 

"ya hayes i forgive you." i say laying my head on his chest.

"oh and michelle?" he says

"ya hayes?"

"Your not stupid.", "your perfect." 

Bad Boy+Bad Girl=Trouble » Hayes GWhere stories live. Discover now