4. Wait and watch

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Arianna's P.O.V

The plastic hospital chair was digging into my back, my hand was falling asleep because Gemma was resting on it and I didn't want to move her. Anne and Robin had arrived a few hours ago and they had gone to his apartment to put their bags away and take a shower after their long drive.

There was a steady stream of love that walked through the door for Harry and I knew that he would truly appreciate it.

The 1D boys all came and left, Niall was reluctant to leave me but I assured him there was no place other then the hospital that could keep me calm. He told me he'd be back tomorrow morning with a sad smile that I couldn't bear to return, It was too much effort to move my face into a smile when I was breaking on the inside.

Nick Grimshaw one of Harry's close friends came with a couple of his friends, Then the 5 SOS boys arrived, they were determined to bring smiles to our faces with their usual hilarious attitude, They got Gemma to smile a little which made me smile. After a while though, I had to excuse myself and walk to one of the ON-Duty rooms for doctors to take a minute during a horrible shift, since I worked in the hospital I had a key to these rooms, I let myself in and sat in the dark. I couldn't be out there with the boys because all I could think about is that; Harry should be there, Harry would have found that funny, Harry would have said that and I didn't want to ruin everyone's mood by saying things like that.

After what felt like a lifetime I left the room and sat beside Gemma.

"Did they leave?"

She nodded, "They were wandering where you had gone," she said "Where did you go?"

I shook my head to keep the tears from spilling "Nowhere, Nowhere important" Without Harry; I'm going nowhere important.

I jumped awake as someone was shaking my hand furiously, I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep I stretched feeling every part of my body burning from the uncomfortable position I was sleeping in.

I saw Anne looking down on me, "The doctor's here Ari". I jumped out of the seat immediately and followed her to where Gemma and Robin were standing blocking my view of the doctor.

When I finally had a view of Harry's doctor my heart nearly stopped. In front of me was Dr. Richard Whaley, the chief of the neuro-trauma unit, which means that Harry had a very, very serious brain injury. Dr. Whaley was also like my mentor, he saw me and walked over and gave me a tight squeeze, my hand remained at the side of my body because I didn't want his comfort, I wanted him to fix Harry.

"Harry's doing fine, he had some bleeding in his brain that we had to stop through surgery which went great and now it's just time to wait and see. I believe there's a chance he could wake up tomorrow"

I knew what he was doing, we were taught how to engage with the family's; start off with good, positive words like 'fine', then let them know any procedures that have been done without scaring them like 'surgery that went great' and lastly always end in hope like 'wake up tomorrow'. Anne held my hand because it was shaking; a look of concern filled her eyes

"That's good right?" she pleaded, her eyes were begging me to tell her that everything is going to be all right. I nodded

"That's good" I chocked the lie out, because I knew what Dr. Whaley was really saying.

Harry has had major internal injury, bleeding in the brain, which could have caused a haemorrhage, or even swelling both of which have permanent effects on the brain. He can't tell until he goes into the brain again, which means another surgery and increased chances of complications. If after the surgery he believes it will take Harry one whole day to wake up then, the surgery was a very invasive one; meaning the injury was a major one and he was most likely in a medically induced coma at the moment, which is never, never a good thing no matter what any doctor says. I could feel hope leaking out of me but I smiled anyway, for Anne, for Robin, for Gemma and most importantly for Harry.

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