9. First date (Part 1)

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Harry's P.O.V

I checked the clock for the hundredth time today, how earlier is too earlier to turn up for a date? The time was 5:00 and I did tell her that I would pick her up at 7; it's too early isn't it. I collapsed on the couch and felt it give way to my weight. I took off my jacket and decided to confirm the reservation while I waited.


"Yes, Mr. Styles. What could I do for you?" How did she know my name?

"Umm... Do you have my number on file or something?" I queried and I could hear muffled voices on the other line and then a giggle.

"Well, after you called 5 times we thought it would be best to add your name to the file. And yes, Mr. Styles your table is still reserved" She said and I smiled sheepishly into the phone like an idiot.

"Right, well Thanks" I mumbled and hung up the phone, I swear I hadn't called that many times.

I haven't gone on a proper date in a very long time, I had given up on that whole romance and emotion thing, but you didn't pick a girl like Arianna up from a bar, you didn't just sleep with her and forget her name because she just sucks you in and she doesn't let go once you're caught. I could feel my composure slipping so I called Niall cause he was the only one that knew about tonight; I didn't want to tell anyone incase nothing came of this.

"Hey mate," he answered before I could say anything "You are not backing out of this" He chuckled

"Tell me again, Niall. Tell me why I can't back out if this" I could feel his smile through the phone

"You can't back off because she's beautiful, because she makes you smile, because you can talk to her like no one else and because you don't back out of things Harry."

"Thanks man" I sighed. He hung up the phone and I was left to wait again...


I knocked on her door; my palms sweaty and she immediately opened it. She was wearing a navy blue dress, black coat and shoes and it was safe to say she looked stunning.

"Err...Hi. Am I too early? You all ready?" it was 6:40; if I had waited any longer I would have exploded. She had an embarrassed smile on her face

"Actually, I've been ready for a long time" She looked at the ground and I couldn't contain the laughter; she must have thought I was laughing at her cause her cheeks pinked up.

"Me too." She looked up unbelieving, "Really. You can ask Niall. Since like 5 and even the restaurant lady thinks I'm sad cause I've called so many times." Now it was her turn to laugh, I placed out my hands and she took it as we made our way to the elevator.

I pulled up at the 5 star restaurant "I'll get the door," I said as she beamed at me waiting for me to get out the door and open hers. "Thank you Mr. Styles," she said in a British accent and climbed out of the car. I bowed down at her

"You're Welcome Miss. Bennett" I tried saying with an Australian accent and she just shook her head "That was awful, Styles," I chuckled as we walked in.

We waited for someone to come up and bring us to our table

"How can I help you?" I heard a voice that I recognized all to well; it was the girl I spoke to on the phone. I looked up at her and she stopped short realizing who I was "You are actually Harry Styles," she giggled "We get a lot of people making bookings in famous people's names because they think it'll get them better tables" she stood there flustered for a minute and I was glad she didn't bring up the amount of times I called. "Umm...Right this way" she ushered us to our seats. I had asked for a private table and was glad that I had got one because I didn't want tonight ruined by paparazzi or anyone else. The only other people in our section of the restraunt was an old couple; an I watched as they looked adoringly into each others eyes. Even if they recognized me they were to busy with each other to care.

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