8. A miracle

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A/N excuse any errors, didnt get any time for editing :D xx

Arianna's P.O.V

For the second time in one week I rushed through the hospital with Niall by my side.

"What did Anne say?" he asked

"I told you she didn't say anything" I snapped and immediately felt bad about it

"I'm sorry"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side while we were still walking.

"That's okay." I stopped short in the middle of the walkway and turned to look at him.

"What am I going to do Niall, what am I doing?" He looked at me as I frantically searched his eyes for an answer. His arms wrapped around me and I buried my face in his shoulder, he stroked my hair.

"We'll figure it out Ari. One think I know for sure is that Harry isn't going to leave you that easily." I looked up into his blue eyes as they started to swim with tears then so did mine.

"Let's go, he needs you" he chocked out and dragged me along with him. Now an expert at navigating the hospital grounds.

Anne was pacing up and down the waiting room as we arrived.

"Arianna you have to go talk to those doctors they're not telling us anything" she demanded. I nodded my head and walked back out. I found my way towards Dr.Whaley's office hoping that he was in or one of his staff would be there.

I raised my hands to knock the door but couldn't bring myself to do it. What if it was really bad news? This was my fault that he was in this position, I did this to him, and I didn't think I could handle anymore bad news. I'll just tell Anne that the doctors didn't tell me anything, I didn't want to lie but I couldn't listen to another list of all the things that I've done to Harry.

I turned to walk away just as Dr. Whaley returned to his room.

"Arianna I was looking for you" The grave expression on his face made by heart sink.

"Me too" I answered weakly. He didn't smile or hug me he simply steered me towards his office and shut the door.

"You're one of us so I'm going to ask you if you want me to be honest with you or not?" I wanted him to tell me that everything was going to be ok. I wanted Harry to wake up and I wanted to apologize, I wanted to tell him that I loved him more then anything and I was sorry for what I said that day but instead I just crocked "Honest" and he nodded his head.

"He had a cut in his small intestines that caused sepsis that went into his blood stream that caused a vigorous infection. We went in and closed the cut but now it's all up to him. We have given him antibiotics but his fever is raging and I think his body is going through shock which means he might be in a lot of pain" The tears trickled down my face but he didn't stop

"Now it's up to Harry to fight this disease and in my opinion it might take a miracle" I turned and ran out of the room hating myself for seeming weak in front of him and for what I have done to Harry.

I fell to the ground near the car park; my entire body shaking as tears ripped through my chest.

A miracle? As a doctor that was one thing we were not supposed to believe in, we believed in our hands and the knowledge we had of the human body but not on miracles. Your brain was rational and your brain was right, you weren't suppose to believe in something as unpredictable as your heart even though that's what Harry has been trying to get me to do since our first date...

We stood outside my apartment door and I didn't know if I was supposed to ask him to come inside, I certainly wasn't going to have sex with him after one date.

"I'm not like the other girls you might have dated Harry," I admitted timidly telling him what I was afraid of all night. I felt like I knew him but what if he was just playing me so he could get what he wanted and leave? I didn't want to believe that but who knows? I certainly wasn't a model or drop-dead gorgeous like the girl he brought home the other day. I looked at my feet afraid that this would be the end because I wasn't what he wanted. Tonight was the best date I had ever gone on and I didn't want it to end but I didn't want to be just another girl to him because he was so much more than that to me.

"I'm counting on it," he whispered. He forced me to look him in the eye by lifting up my chin we were only inches apart. "I'm not looking for another mistake" He assured me. I smiled up at him suddenly very aware of how close our bodies were.

He brought his lips to mine slowly at first, they were soft and sweet and gentle. My hands were pressed against his chest and his found its way to the small of my back pulling me close. I moved my hands to his hair and tangled them into those perfectly overgrown locks. His fingers traced up my back and came up to frame my face so that I couldn't escape his lips, not that I wanted to. I could feel his tongue tracing my lips and I allowed him to deepen the kiss. I was breathless and my entire body was on fire.

I've been kissed before but never like this. He eventually broke the kiss much to my disappointment and he chuckled when I leaned into him as he backed off.

"If I don't stop now I won't be able to later and I don't want to rush things and make a mistake with you Ari because you deserve more than that." I nodded trying to mask my panting because I was so breathless and then I saw that his chest was rising and falling rapidly too.

He leaned in and gave me one last peck that was short and left me craving more.

"You know what we were talking about earlier?" He whispered into my ear. I felt my mind buzzing because we talked about a lot of things. He taped his finger on his chest where is heart is and then he tapped mine; "I think I'm going to try" grabbing my hand and putting in on his heart and I felt it drumming as fast as mine. "I'm going to try to make you believe in this again" I wasn't really sure what to say, should I tell him that he shouldn't waste his time because I was never going to listen to my heart again; I didn't want to ruin the moment so I bite my lips and watched his emerald eyes twinkle in the light and simply smiled.

I looked down at my hands, as blood trickled from them and I realised that my finger nails were digging into my palm a habit I got when my aunt left me; because this blood, this pain I could fix but the chaos around me, the feeling that slowly all the pieces of my carefully constructed puzzle aren't fitting; that I couldn't fix and couldn't bear to deal with. I squeezed my hand shut and got up, wiping the tears from my eyes; I went to find a toilet.

I ran my hand under the tap; the cold water sent goose bumps up my hand and turned red as it rushed past my palm. I splashed some water on my face and looked up at the mirror; and all I felt was hatred and anger.

"He wouldn't be hear right now if it wasn't for you," I yelled. I couldn't stop crying and I felt like so weak, he wouldn't want to see you like this, stop embarrassing yourself I heard my aunt tell me. "I did this, Its my fault, it's my fault" I yelled over and over again because getting angry was better then being upset.

Suddenly the words were harder to push past my throat and I couldn't get enough air no matter how deep I gulped or inhaled. My vision became blurry and I watched my own reflection turn fuzzy in the mirror.

Breath. Breathe. Breathe, she would have demanded but I couldn't, there wasn't enough air in this room. I tired to make it to the door but my legs couldn't carry me and then the whole world turned a dull and seething black.


Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter. I know its a little :C but I havent had anytime for writing so I just quickly wrote this down for you guys, I'm sorry if its bad and the next chapters will be better (I hope :D)

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Also I wanted to say a massive thank you! I got 1K reads. I remember just two months ago, I posted the first part and only had like 8 reads in 2 weeks and now this. I could have never imagined something so incredible and I cannot thank everyone enough. I know this story is different to most fanfics that people like to read because it's dark, sad and all that but thanks for reading and exceding my expectations :D

-Sonia xx

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