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A half an hour passed and I already want to be out of here. I don't know but I felt Joey staring at me here and there. I turned my head towards him and thank god he wasn't staring at me at the moment. He was staring at Marie all again like she was the only girl on earth. From what I see is that he was completely wasted. He was high as fuck. He stood up and started heading over to Marie.

He grabbed her arm, from the way he grabbed her arm, I could tell it was harsh, she turned at him a shocking way but she probably noticed he was drunk. I really have never ever seen a drunk Joey. I noticed that the whole party was staring at them until I realized Joey was yelling at Marie.

"You know I was in love with you," He yelled drunkenly,


"but all you did was go and sleep with some other dude," He slurred,

Okay, I think this is nowhere good going,

"Joey stop let's go home," Charles stopped him as he grabbed Joey's arm,

"No Charles leave me alone," Joey yanked his arm from Charles,

"Joey your drunk let's go," He tried to drag Joey but he got interrupted,

"It's not my fault I am not into you anymore," Marie said,

"you fucking cheated on me!" Joey yelled,

Is this bitch fucking serious right now? Joey is a fucking goddess! How is she not into him anymore?!

"You bitch," Joey said as he hands formed into a fist, don't tell me his guy is going to punch her. I mean honestly, he's doing me a favour if he's going to punch her. Not gonna blame him though.

But damn I could feel Joey's face turn pale red like he was about to cry but trying to not let out the tears.

"oh my god," Naya whispered from behind me, but enough for me to hear.

I turned around and saw her jaw drop open. I turned around to look at the rest of the film. Darn it, I forgot my popcorn. Not gonna lie but this is fun to watch. But I do feel really bad for Joey.

Not even a second moved and Joey was already about to punch her but his group of friends were holding him back as the rat ran away. The whole party were shocked but at the same time, we're having fun watching all of this happen.

He stopped and burst out crying. I felt really really really bad for him at this moment. I wanted to go up to him and at least give him a hug but I know he doesn't want to see my face either...But I could give it a try though.

I turned back to see Naya and Tolin standing behind me motioning their heads as a signal for me to go ahead and help him. Love the fact they understood my stares.

I nodded and headed towards him. His friends were patting his back as he was still drunk and really looked like he was about to faint.

"Bro, you should head home and get some rest," I heard Charles say,

Now it hit.

"I'll take him home," I said from behind Charles, as his group turned their heads towards me. It was sorta awkward but okay at the same time since I already know them all. I could feel Joey staring at me blankly like he had no emotions towards me. Damn dude.

"No, it's okay I'll go home alone," Joey coldly said,

That tone hurt dude!

"No Joey, your drunk and you know how dangerous drunk driving is," I said strictly,

Joey looked down as I went to him and lifted his head with my index finger, and looked deeply into his eyes, his eyes softened and sniffed once he saw me as I felt my heart start racing at how adorable he was,

"I'll take you home, okay?" I said softly and in a low voice but enough for him to hear. But damn this boy is a giraffe.

He nodded and we started heading outside the party, I had to help Joey while he walking because he was so fucking drunk. OH MY GOD, I just remembered I don't have my car because I came with Naya to the party. Joey probably came in his car, I hope so.

"Hey, do you have your car?" I asked,

"Because I came with Naya and I don't have my car," I added,

"Oh yeah-" He hiccups,

"Yeah," He hands me his car keys, as I unlock his car and help him go in.

I went to the driver's side since I am driving and hoped in. I started the engine and was about to ask Joey if we should go to my place or his place but to realize he was already fallen asleep as little snores left his mouth, slightly open. In short form, he was adorable.

But honestly, I am hurt. Knowing that he still  loves her and not me.

I legit didn't even dare to touch the gas board, I was just staring at the stirring wheel blankly with some wild thoughts.

"Why don't you move?" Joey asked with his raspy voice, interrupting my thoughts.

I immediately turned my head cause it was kind of embarrassing. I just apologized and let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding in before I started to back away from the party house. As known as Mark's house.


I decided to take Joey to my place since probably his mom would kill him if she knew he was this drunk. I thought about what happened today, it's no huge deal it's just so...so complicated. I parked Joey's car at my house's driveway before I took a glance at a sleeping Joey. 

He looked so miserable already, but his cologne filled the car. I shook him lightly as an in a form that we're here, at my house. He opened his eyes and nodded before he opened the car's door to get out as I helped him since he was drunk. I went to his side to help him walk properly so he won't trip and fall since he's drunk.


I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some Advil and water for Joey. He's in my room at the moment, sleeping on my bed, so, unfortunately, I am going to sleep on the ground. But it's totally fine with me, to be honest. I got in my room before I closed the door behind me as I could see Joey was already fast asleep.

I put the Advil and water on the nightstand beside his head. So if he woke up in the middle of the night he can take it immediately since his head would probably be hurting him when he wakes up. I stared at him for what seemed like forever. He lashes touching the top of my cheeks. As he gracefully let out small snores out of his slightly opened mouth. HE'S FUCKING GORGOEUS.

I immediately looked away realizing that I have been staring for god knows how long. I should improve my staring problem though. Remind me to!

I got my pillows and blankets and stressed them on the floor next to my bed. I looked at my pink clock hanging on the wall to see that it's 1 in the morning.

I got under the covers and before I knew it my eyes were shut, and I fell asleep.



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