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From; Mel

'thanks for coming last night tho'

To; Joey


From; Joey


To; Mel


I closed my phone as I thought of how I was so up in my feels. I kind of feel embarrassed for calling Joey at 12 am last night just to come and confront me. Even though he's my best friend that I have known for years. 

Ugh, it's Sunday! Only God knows how much of hate I have for Sundays. Remembering that you have school tomorrow is the worst, honestly.

A typical evening as I was tidying my room while listening to Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Her speak now, the album is just WOW. Hearing her old, 18-year-old voice from 2010 is seriously advantageous. Plus, this song is definitely enchanting and you should listen to it sometime. That's a key to remember. [a/n; I left the song up there if you wanna listen to it sometime ;)]

As lyrics ran through my ears,

'please don't be in love with someone e-e-else,

please don't have somebody waiting on you,'

Then the rhyme goes a little bit less nonchalant than it was before,

'please don't be in love with someone e-e-elese,

please don't let somebody waiting on you,'

I posit whatever I was doing and just listen carefully to lyrics that were running piercingly through my ears. I stare blankly at the numb cloth resting in my warm hands before Joey crossed my mind. I mean, let us be honest at this point, when does he never cross my mind?

I sighed a big fat sigh as I placed the cloth, in general, my dress, into the hanger of my purplish closet. I just wish Joey care could about me as much as I care about him, I wish Joey could think of me the way I think about him. I wish Joey could see me the way I see him, I wish Joey could admire me the way I admire him, I wish Joey could at least...love me the way I love him. It's just not happening the way I crave it to happen. I guess this is how it's supposed to be running, not every day is a remembrance.

'and now I am pacing back and forth,

wishing you were at my door,

I open up and you would sayyyyyy,

heyy, it was enchanting to meet youuu,'

The song went on...

High key want to be in Joey's arms at this right while. Ugh, I am always so up in my feels. It's hopeless. Bluish, like the drowning ocean that you know you could never get away of it.

As I sat in my bed a hurrying Joey, OMG JOEY. Hold up what is he doin-

He came into my room like knocking never existed, oh.

He had a big ass smile smashed on his face that made him look like an idiot that's about to compliment you for pizza. I looked at him with a blank expression like he's a complete stranger who just crashed his car into my room. Doesn't make sense? No? Oh, okay.

"Mel," He grinned greeted, he looks like he just ran a mile. Damn.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I had a concerned look on my face but a not very concerned look.

"I am sorry I abruptly came in like that," he apologized as I gave him a blank look. Cause I am not forgiving him for letting my heart fall into my ass like that. WHAT IF I WAS NAKED.

"Now, I want you to get ready as quick as possible, cause I am taking you somewhere,"

"Now get ready, I'll be downstairs!" He continued as he hurried downstairs without me even managing to say a word which I could care less.

A splash of excitement ran over me as I ran into my closet and got myself a vintage yet simple outfit. I changed quickly before I looked at the mirror for a split second before applying on perfume and a little bit of mascara to make my lashes pop a little. My hair looked good for once which was literally a miracle.

I grabbed my phone and stopped the song Enchanted and hurried downstairs and I slipped on my old school vans. As I was about to go up to him I heard him say something through the phone. I didn't wanna be a snitch...but uh I kinda snitched. I AM SORRY JOEY. I am just curious because whatever he was saying seemed spicy. Again, makes sense? No? Okay.

Uh, okay, now I kinda wish I didn't snitch. 

"so Marie will be there at the cafe?" He spoke to the other line through the phone call he was on.


I literally forgot my fanfic even existed bye. NOW GO LISTEN TO ENCHANTED PLEASE.

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