Babysitting || Tom

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It was late evening when Tom called you up. You were expecting him to just ask how you were doing, or maybe ask to go grab coffee, but no. He asked you to come over to his place and babysit.

The two of you had just started dating a mere week ago, and Tom felt guilty for asking you out when he knew he was always busy with acting, but you were happy to accept his offer anyway.

"Okay, who are we babysitting?" You ask the minute Tom opens his door.

"Lovely to see you, too, Y/N," Tom says, smiling lightly. "How have you been?"

"Normal," you reply with a shrug. "How have you been?" All you really wanted to know is what he meant by babysitting, but you figured you may as well be nice to your boyfriend. The term 'boyfriend' was still fairly new to you. Tom asking you out was totally unexpected, and you hadn't even realized he had been flirting with you the previous few weeks. When you had admitted you didn't know, Tom had chuckled at how oblivious you had been. And you laughed, too.

"Oh, same old, same old. Filming is fun, though, as always."

"Wonderful. Now, about the babysitting?" You ask, smiling.

"Right, come in."

You follow Tom into his apartment, which you had grown quite used to recently. You haven't spent the night, not had the two of you done anything more than kiss.

You stop in your tracks when you notice baby things sitting on the table. A bottle, diapers, a bag which is no doubt full of clothes and food. What on earth is going on?

"Um, who's baby are you babysitting, Tom?" You ask.

"Chris'," he says. "You haven't met her, have you? India, I mean. That's her name."

"No, I haven't... Ah, does Chris and Elsa know I'm helping you?" You ask.

"Of course they do, love. No need to worry." A soft smile spreads across his face as he glances at you with his blue eyes. "She's napping right now. You want to watch some tv?"


You weren't sure what to do, so you go along with Tom's plan to watch tv. You were comfortable around him by now, so you immediately rest your head in the crook of his arm as he wraps his arm around you.

"How long does she usually nap?" You ask, nearly all of your attention drawn to the telly.

"She should wake up soon for dinner. Then she'll be up another hour or two before sleeping again."

"And what time will she wake up?" You ask, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Two a.m?"

He laughs lightly. "Three a.m., actually."

You giggle, causing him to grin as he looks down at you. Suddenly, you hear the soft cry of a baby, no doubt just waking up. Both you and Tom stand up abruptly, then both chuckle. You blush lightly.

"Don't worry, darling, I'll get her," he says. Then he walks off, heading to his bedroom. He must have set up a portable crib in there since India is staying overnight. Moments later, he comes back in, a bundle of blankets in his arms. He's so good with children...

"Want to hold her?" He asks. "I can go prepare her bottle."

You look at the baby in his arms, and become slightly nervous. Holding someone else's baby... You weren't too sure about that. You didn't even know Chris and Elsa in person.

"No, I'll go make the bottle. I know how. I used to babysit my nephew." You kiss his cheek lightly before grabbing the bottle, powdered milk, and going into the kitchen. Making the milk was fairly easy, and you come out with a perfect bottle that you knew wasn't too hot or too cold for India.

"Now do you want to hold her?" Tom asks once you both are settled on the couch, India now getting impatient for her bottle. "You could feed her."

"No, no... You go ahead." You hold out the bottle to him.

"Alright... If you insist."

You watch as Tom feeds the bottle to India, enjoying watching him be so happy and content.

Tom finally gets you to burp India after he's done feeding her, and you agree. You liked India already, but her parents didn't even know you.

You burp her over your shoulder, and when you suspect she is done, you bring her down to rest in your arms. You freeze suddenly when you realize she wasn't done, and the front of your shirt is stained with baby barf. Your face turns red with embarrassment, and Tom takes India from you, knowing he should out her in her crib for a few minutes while you get cleaned up.

You pull at your shirt, looking at the stain. "I'm so embarrassed..." You whimper lightly as Tom comes back in.

"Hey, it's okay, Y/N," Tom assures you. "I'll put your shirt in the washer immediately."

You nod lightly, your face still burning red, and slip off your shirt, leaving only your black bra on. Tom looks surprised and flustered. You raise an eyebrow. "You've seen a girl in a bra, Tom."

"Right. I'm sorry." He excuses himself before grabbing your stained shirt and heading off to his washer machine.

You frown lightly, looking down at your bare torso. Why had he acted to flustered when he saw you like this? Was he... Turned on? No, that couldn't be it. 'Theres nothing special about me,' you decide.

You were still embarrassed when Tom came back, and you ask to borrow one of his shirts. He happily obliges, fetching a blue shirt, small sweats, and India.

"What are the sweats for?" You ask, confused.

"I was hoping you could maybe stay and help me with India... I mean, I know that's a lot to ask since she just threw up on you, but it could be fun."

"So why will I need sweats, exactly...?"

"...To sleep."

"Oh. By 'stay', you meant sleep over," I point out. "Okay. You want me to take the couch?"

"Y/N, we're dating now. I don't want to rush you, but I'm just letting you know that it's okay for us to sleep in the same bed."

"Oh. Right." You let out a nervous laugh and kiss his cheek. "Of course I'll stay. Besides, if India throws up again, it'll be on your shirt, not mine."

Tom grins and hugs you lightly, being careful not to crush India. "Thank you. Now let's go play with her, shall we?"



The sound of a baby crying wakes you up, and you grow confused for a moment before you remember India, and how you're staying at Tom's place. You groan, moving closer to Tom until your face is buried in his chest.

"Mm... I guess I'll get 'er..." Tom says groggily, stretching. You simply groan again as Tom gets up from the bed, causing you to miss his presence. You get up after him, deciding to help make the milk.

The two of you both stumble around in the kitchen, half asleep, until you finally get India fed, changed, and back to bed.

"Tom," you say, snuggling up to him lightly.

"Yeah?" He breathes, turning on his side to talk to you better.

"I'm never having kids."

Tom seems surprised by this, and he grasps your hand lightly. "I think you'll change your mind someday."

"Oh, believe me, I will. But tonight, I'm just going to convince myself that I don't want any."

He lets out a small chuckle and kisses your forehead. "Alright, love. Goodnight."


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