Homemade Lunch || Tom

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*This one is super short. I apologize*

Tom sat down across from Chris on their lunch break, putting his brown paper bag before him. They both had casual clothes on, having just changed out of their leather costumes. Tom had his extensions out, but his real hair was still dark and slicked back.

"Did Y/N pack you a lunch?" Chris asked, smirking lightly.

Tom smiled proudly, and began to open the paper bag. The first thing he saw was a folded more, so he pulled it out. "We like to make each other lunches at least once a week," Tom explained.

"Hm. Maybe Elsa and I should try that sometime..." Chris pondered. He had had his assistant go down the street and buy him a sandwich while he was still filming.

Tom sent him a smile, and unfolded the note. It read:

My darling,
I've made your favourite today! I tried making it the way your mum used to, though I know it will never quite be the same as hers...
I wish you a wonderful day on set as the god of mischief- and please tell the other 'avengers' I say hello!

At the bottom, your name was signed, followed by a drawn heart. Jeremy Renner had joined the both of them while Tom was reading. Tom sat the note down, allowing Chris or Jeremy to read if they wished. Further in the bag was his favourite sandwich; made on multigrain bread, cut in two halves, with no crusts. Exactly how he liked it.

Scarlett came next, taking a seat between Tom and Jeremy, and the note was passed to her next. Tom slowly unwrapped the sandwich, seeing that it was made almost as well as his mum used to make it. He knew you tried very hard, and he appreciated it so very much. Even further inside the bag, near the very bottom, were individually wrapped slices of brownies for his friends. Last time they all came over, they all loved your sweets so very much.

Mark and Chris Evans were the last to join the table. They read the note as well without Tom taking much notice, and saw the brownies he began to pull out for them.

When Tom finally looked up, a smile on his face, he was surprised by the looks he was receiving. The men, and Scarlet, all seemed incredibly impressed by the lunch you had put together for Tom. As if their loved ones had never done such a small thing, and made it seem so sweet and meaningful.

"Your girlfriend is seriously the best," he heard Chris Evans mumble.

Another proud smile came across Tom's face as he passed the sweets out to the eager cast. Murmurs and nods of agreements followed after Chris' remark.

"I know she is."

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