Snow Day || Tom

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(I was being careless and accidentally deleted these last two one-shots, so I've reposted them!)

You shiver lightly as you settle down under your blanket, a cup of tea warming your hands. If was a cold winter day in London, and you wanted nothing but to be warm and watch Doctor Who on your telly. You didn't get very far, though, before your cell phone began to ring. You scowl lightly and pause the show before answering the device.


"Y/N, hi! How are you?" A smooth voice asks through the line.

You blink, slightly surprised. "Tom? Uh, yeah, I'm good. How are you?" You were a little surprised that your friends was calling you since he was away filming at the moment. He was usually so busy during the day he would barely ever get the chance to call you. And now this, out of nowhere.

"I'm wonderful, actually. Listen, are you at home?"

"Yes..." You answer slowly. "Why? Are you home?" You cringe after you ask him that, realizing it's a rather dumb question. He had told you his return date, and it wasn't for another week and a half. "No, I guess you're not... What do you need?"

You can practically hear him grinning. "It's snowy in London, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and bloody cold, too."

"Can you please dress warmly and go outside?" He asks. "And can you tell me how wonderful the snow looks?"

Now you're even more confused. "Can't I just look out the window?"

"No, it's not as fun that way!" He responds. You smile at his voice, and realize that you've grown to really miss it.

"Alright, fine. You owe me, though," you respond, getting up from the couch. "Call you when I'm outside?"

"Deal," he responds.

You smile and hang up, going into your bedroom to put on some warmer clothes. Pajamas and a tank top certainly wouldn't work for this weather.

After you get on suitable clothing and a warm coat, you head outside, calling Tom back while you're at it.

"How is it?" He asks immediately when picking up.

You open your door, the sky being the first thing you say. "Well, the sky is grey yet bright. The trees are covered with white, powdery snow, along with the streets. That good enough for you?"

"What, that's all you've got, Y/N?" He teases.

"I'm afraid so," you say.


"Yeah?" You breathe, your heart skipping a beat at the way he says your name.

"Rodson street."

You furrow your brows, confused. Without asking what he means, you look to your left- to Rodson street- and gasp lightly. Standing on the street corner is a tall man with blond/brown hair and a smile on his face as he stares at me. You put a hand over your mouth, feeling tears of joy come to your eyes. It's been a good month and a half since you had seen Tom, and while that time goes by in the blink of an eye for some people, you had really missed him.

"Tom," you say softly, not sure of what to do. You want to run to him. You want to run to him and hug him and never let him go. Only one street separates you. It wouldn't be wise to run to him and risk being hit by a car. So he makes his way towards you, waiting at the crosswalk.

"I'll be there in a second, darling. Just be patient." Then he puts his phone away, and you do the same.

You run to him once he gets across the street, wrapping your arms around his torso. He gratefully returns the hug. "I don't understand, Tom, why are you here?" You ask.

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