Royal Banquet || Loki

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The night was clear and cold, with the stars in the distance of Asgard shining bright. Warm breaths hitting against the night air creates a smoke-like fog to rise and soon vanish.

Bodies file into the large royal ballroom while lovely music is played by a group of young men with harps and flutes and other instruments. The ballroom is lit up by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, lit with many, many candles, and various torches along the walls. Despite what little light-sources there were, the room was bright and cheery.

Men dress in their best armor to show what fine warriors they are, and women come in straight, lovely chiffon gowns adorned with jewels, flowers, or other embellishments.

You sit in your bedroom and arrange your hair, making sure each little curl stays in place under your flower crown of small white blossoms, the ends dipped in a gold covering. Finally, you stand, your hands running over your dress. The dress itself is a light gold color, and it hugs your body nicely until flowing out at the bottom. Hanging from the shoulders is a sheer, sparkly fabric like a cape, going down to your feet. Underneath the dress you have on leather black flats, though unseen because of the lengthy gown.

You head out for the ball as well, a dark cloak draped over your shoulders to protect yourself from the night.

When you get inside, you are nearly overwhelmed by the amount of people. This huge, gigantic party all in honour of the two princes' birthdays. Their birth dates were so close together they were just celebrated as one huge party.

Many tables sat along the walls, surrounded by smaller tables with chairs. The large tables were flourished with full cooked game, variations of different creatures from all nine realms. There are fruits and baskets of bread with seasonings and vegetables and many, many barrels of the finest drink one can acquire. An entire banquet, and that much food is certainly needed to feed and fill these hundreds of guests.

The room looks as if it's made of gold, as does the palace itself. The walls are shiny, and curve up to the ceilings that hold the chandelier. The floors are hard and clean. If one was walking alone in these halls, the sound of their feet on the surface would echo throughout the entire room. But with so many people, the sound of shoes on the floor is hardly heard. Instead, there is music and chatter and laughter.

A line is formed in the center of the room, each impatient and excited to bow or curtsy to the Allfather, Allmother, and two princes. You decide to join the long line. It's not like you've anything better to do, since you came alone.

You watch the people in line in front of you; most of them are women. Most of their dresses are either an emerald green, wine red, golden yellow or bright pink. But the amount of green and red dresses outdo any other colour there, and you know why. For the princes, of course.

As you near the very front of the room, where the royal family stands, you see the Allfather and Allmother, standing in the front. Her dress is elegant, and blue, looking like it's maybe made of silk or some other luscious, rare fabric. Her blonde hair is half-up at the top, her bottom layers flowing down past her shoulders. She still looks very young and beautiful, despite her boys being grown up already, and nearly ready for one to take over the thrown.

Allfather is in his best armor, though he looks a bit older. Ruling over Asgard has its toll after a bit, you suppose. His white hair and beard are like snow, his one eye looking gentle, the other covered by a black patch.

Finally, it is your turn. You curtsy in front of the two, and introduce yourself.

"Lady Y/N, of Asgard. It's an honour to meet you."

"Welcome, Lady Y/N. It pleases me you are here. Please, do enjoy yourself," the Allfsther says, smiling gently and bowing slightly.

"You look beautiful, Y/N," the Allmother compliments, smiling. You both curtsy to each other, and you smile your thanks.

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