They don't care
They like to swear
They won't hear
They'll only tear
Your reasons
They'll not play
Except with their prey
They were once strangers
Who influenced your life
They'll not tell
But want to
They say yes
While thinking no
With you they'll agree
Yet always disagree
They'll hurt you
But not mean to
They'll hurt you
& not care for it
They'll hate you
Yet love too
They'll promise
Only to break
They know you yet
At times Don't too
They'll scar your heart
And move it too
They'll leave and move on
To come back & meet up
They're the ones you meet
On your way to life's street
The people who
Were once strangers
Now make who
You have become
Dedicated to my friends and to my friend who came back to me.
Burst Of Emotion || Poetry
PoetryDifferent poems on each page. Different thoughts on each page. Dedicated poems for loved ones. On each page there's a poem Though simple it may sound Each has it's story And it's own mystery Each is a memory And it's own history Each is for someone ...