Chapter 13

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Mariska ran out of the courtroom once they were put onto another break while Judge Camden worked through the questioning. Mariska was in tears and felt like getting sick. She had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. One that she feared would led to her ex-boyfriend getting full custody of their beautiful daughter.

"Mariska!" Dennis yelled, and she stopped and looked at him.

"Don't tell me to be hopeful. Because I can't. He talked about me like I was a bad mother. Like I didn't know how to raise our child. I was there for her when he was screwing around in LA!" Mariska yelled, and then that's when she saw Chris and Carly walking out of the courtroom.

"I'll be picking up Sophia tomorrow morning at 8. We have a flight out." Chris smirked. Mariska shook her head.

"Judge Camden hasn't decided yet, asshole. You lied in there, Chris! You act like you've been there for her, even when the first time in 15 and a half years you saw her we kicked you out!"

"Oh shut up, Rish! You know that she needs two parents that can be active in her life!"

"Carly hasn't even said a thing to our kid yet! Back off, and just leave! You know that she'd be better off with me, because I'm not trying to replace her with another kid by a girl that is barely an adult!" Mariska yelled before she turned and walked towards the bathroom. She slammed the door open before slamming it shut again.

All she wanted was to be home with her child. She didn't want to be here where everyone claims to have Sophia as their number one priority, but they don't. This is a high level case, both parents are actors and no one wants to hurt either.


Judge Camden took her sweet time getting the questions reread and then she called everyone back in. Sophia was brought back by Donna and she had to sit in and listen to what Judge Camden determined.

"Now, this was a hard case. I had to think about the circumstances that were shown. Ms. Hargitay, I understand that you have raised your daughter since the day she was born and have been there as often has you have been able to be. Mr. Meloni, I do not believe your responses during your questioning. I could see that you were lying through your teeth, and I do not like when people lie in my courtroom. Now, Sophia Hargitay, I took what you said to heart. I know that you love living with your mother and have a closer relationship with her than you could ever have with your father and his fiance. For the wellbeing of this minor, I am allowing Ms. Hargitay to continue having full custody of the minor. There will be no other time where we can discuss the custody of Sophia Hargitay. Court dismissed." Judge Camden spoke.

Sophia turned to her mother and hugged her tightly. Mariska hugged her back as Chris started to let out a slur of swear words. He wasn't happy, and he wanted to continue to fight this, but the Judge made it clear that he had no right to fight it again.

"We didn't have to run away, Mom." Sophia whispered, and Mariska laughed softly as she held her daughter close.

"Let's go home and celebrate, baby. Wanna pick up Koda on the way? She must be out of class by now."

"Yeah. I'll call her Mom and ask."


They celebrated that night. It wasn't like a party, but they did open a bottle of sparkling cider and drank to Sophia staying in Mariska's custody.

"Do you think he'll be angry?" Sophia asked, as Koda left the living room to get some more pizza.

"He is angry, but it's not your fault, Soph."

"It isn't?" Sophia asked, and her mother shook her head.

"No, it isn't. He lied to Judge Camden. He could've been held in contempt, but he lucked out. Judge Camden wanted to make sure that you were going into a safe home where you would be happy, and she let you stay with me. She knew that this was the best place for you to stay."

"Do you ever wish you would've married Chris so this wouldn't have had to happen?" Sophia mused, as she grabbed the champange flute and sipped the cider from it.

"I loved him, Soph. He was my everything for so long, than you became my everything. I'm glad that I didn't marry him, because that means that you didn't have to go through the pain of watching your parents get a divorce. I wasn't even born when my parents got a divorce. They only faked it because my mom didn't want to have me out of wedlock." Mariska sighed, as she looked at her daughter.

"But then maybe you would've had more kids."

"Stop talking about that, Soph. I'm fine with the kid I have. And it's like I have two daughters because Koda is always here."

"Adopt me, please!" Koda exclaimed, as she walked out of the kitchen. Mariska laughed softly and shook her head.

"Sorry, I love you kid, but I have my hands full with this one." Mariska smiled.

"Dang it." Koda huffed. She sat down on the couch next to Sophia. Sophia looked at her mother before sighing.

"You have to work tomorrow, don't you?" Sophia asked, and Mariska shook her head.

"Not till Monday. I'm spending more time with you."

"Good. I think tomorrow the three of us should go find me a dress for the party."


Chris was beyond pissed after the hearing. He and Carly went back to their hotel room and started to fight. She kept telling him that it's okay. That they would be having a baby soon and he could forget Sophia and Mariska.

"I can't forget about my daughter, Carly! I love her!"

"You didn't want her!" Carly yelled back.

"Fuck off!" Chris huffed, before grabbing his jacket. He wanted to just go and grab Sophia and make her live with him, but then he didn't want to face the wrath of the NYPD.

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