Chapter 46

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It was about two weeks after Mariska and Sophia's dinner when Sophia packed up her items to head off to school. Peter wasn't helping, but that wasn't something new in Sophia's life as of late. 

"Mom, I'm gonna be coming home for a weekend here and there. I don't need to bring everything." Sophia spoke, as Mariska talked about grabbing more boxes to move all of Sophia's books.

"But don't you want these all with you?" Mariska asked because she was honestly scared that Sophia wouldn't be coming home to visit. That she'd have to go to Hudson just to see her daughter because of Peter.

"Mom, I can always come home to get my stuff if it's such a big deal," Sophia replied, her voice low and a little bit shaky.

"Soph, will you come home even if Peter is here?" Mariska asked, and Sophia bit her lip before sinking down onto the edge of her bed.

"If I'm still welcomed here... but if I'm not, I'll just come to visit you on set. And you will always be welcome at Koda and I's dorm." Sophia spoke, and Mariska nodded slowly. She sank down beside her daughter before drawing her to her side.

"I wish that you two were close again... like before," Mariska whispered.

"I do too. But what can I do? I'm not the hostile one."


Sophia was surprised when Jackson still wanted to be with her, even if they were going to be on the other sides of the country. He was there and helped her move into her dorm because once again Peter was nowhere to be found.

"So, Koda has that room. This one is mine. Then there are two other girls living here. This is the common room. I think we are all going to go in on stuff to decorate it." Sophia spoke, as she held Jackson's hand and lead him and her mother through the dorm.

"It's big. And hopefully, you and Koda can become good friends with the other girls." Mariska smiled, as she looked at the common room. She was already figuring out what Sophia could get to put in here, and Sophia could see the gears turning in her mother's head.

"Mom, how are you decorating this room?" Sophia asked, and Jackson laughed as he saw Mariska laugh.

"Okay, I'll leave. But if you girls need money to get furniture, just tell me. I'll help." She smiled. Sophia walked away from her boyfriend and quickly hugged her mother. Mariska wrapped her arms around her daughter's body as tears welled in her eyes.

"You are getting so grown up, Soph... It's scary that I'm a mother to an 18-year-old. I'm old... I love you so much and I cannot wait to see how good you'll do in college." Mariska breathed as she rubbed Sophia's back.

"You aren't old, Mom. You have 5-year-olds at home. You are still young... and I'll do great here. Hopefully. I'll call you once a week and visit you when and if I'm allowed." Sophia breathed.

"The house is your home no matter what. Even if I have to send Peter to a different country for a bit to see you." Mariska laughed softly.

"Nah, it's fine... Uh, I'll walk you and Jackson out. My boy has to get on a plane to California in the morning."


Koda and Sophia were the only two in the dorm their first night. They laid on blankets in the common room and looked up at the ceiling. Sophia was tired, but Koda wasn't. She was so excited to get out of her parents' houses. She didn't have to get shipped around every weekend. She could just stay put and pick where she wanted to go.

"I'm so excited for this, Soph. I have always wanted to live with you ever since we met in school and became friends. Like, we can decorate together and we can stay up all night talking and not having Donna or your Mother coming in to tell us to go to bed." Koda smiled, as she looked over at Sophia.

"It will be fun. It's nice to be on my own now..." Sophia trailed off. She closed her eyes and started to think about what was happening at her parents' house right now.

The twins would be trying to get out of taking a bath, and Peter and her mother would be chasing them around. But once the twins were clean, they'd sit down and eat their dessert before going over their homework. Sophia knew that there would be a lot of laughter now that she was gone.

"Soph?" Koda asked, and Sophia sighed before running her hand over her cheek before speaking.

"I miss my Dad... not Peter my mom's boyfriend when I was younger... but the guy who danced with me at my birthday party and helped me so much. I miss what we had before the shooting." Sophia whispered, before rolling over onto her side and let the tears run down her cheeks.

"Well, you can start over here now. Sophia, you can be different from who you were before. Like, pretend to not be Mariska Hargitay's daughter. See if getting out here and meeting new people will help with the depression, anxiety, night terrors." Koda replied. She rolled her best friend back over and smiled at her.

"And you'll never leave me, Koda? Like, never?" Sophia asked.

"I'm your best friend. I'm meant to stand by you through everything. It's kinda what I do." Koda smiled.

Sophia sat up quickly as Koda did and they embraced.

Maybe college will be easier than they thought it would be.


Mariska was hoping Sophia would call her before she went to bed, but she didn't. Mariska finally went up to bed at midnight, and Peter was still awake and going through something on his phone.

"What were you doing up so late? And downstairs?" Peter asked, and Mariska ignored him as she went into their bathroom and started to get the items out she used to wash her face.

"Rish, did you hear me?" Peter asked.

"My kid doesn't think she's welcomed here anymore because of how you've been treating her. That's why I 'didn't hear you'." 

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