Chapter 28

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Everyday Sophia got a little bit better. She drove the kids to school every morning and took them to the park after school. She hung out with Koda and Jackson more often, and her smile came back. Mariska was proud of her daughter for pushing through and getting back to a place where she could be happy once again.

"Jackson is taking me to the movies tomorrow night," Sophia spoke, as she and Mariska washed up the dishes after dinner. Donna was taking some time off again to go visit her son and his girlfriend.

"What are you going to watch?" Mariska asked as she passed a plate to Sophia to rinse.

"We don't know yet. But, I don't know how much of the movie we will be watching, if you know what I mean." Sophia grinned, before elbowing her mother.

"Oh, great. Just what I want to know."

"Hey, just be thankful that I have a boyfriend who isn't an ass."

"I am thankful for that." Mariska laughed softly. In the background, Mariska and Sophia could hear Peter come downstairs with the twins after he got them bathed because they decided to go diving into mud puddles after dinner.

"Alright, the trouble makers are clean and ready for bed." Peter smiled. He walked over to Mariska and wrapped his arms around her body before placing a gentle kiss to the back of her head.

"Good. You are dismissed." Mariska replied, laughing gently.

"Actually, Rish, can we talk? Maybe leave the girl to do the chores?" Peter spoke, teasing Sophia a bit.

"Dude, just take her. She isn't that good at washing dishes anyway." Sophia shot back. Mariska grabbed the towel and smacked her daughter with it before heading away with Peter. They went out back and stood on the back porch as it misted slightly.

"So, what do we need to talk about, babe?" Mariska questioned, as she held her hand out and felt the mist against her skin. It was cold, but it felt nice since the kitchen was so hot from cooking dinner and doing dishes.

"I think maybe we should move in together." He spoke, and Mariska quickly turned and looked at him.

"What?" She questioned because she didn't know if she had heard him right.

"I think that you, me, Missie, Luke, and Sophia should all move in together. Either I can move in here or we can get a new place. I just think that we should take this step because I just hate going home at night and having you leave you four behind." Peter spoke, and Mariska felt tears sting her eyes.

"You don't just miss me?" Mariska whispered, and Peter shook his head.

"I miss you all. You are my family, and I am so blessed to call you all that. The twins... I haven't known them as long as I have known Soph, but I love them like my own. And it's the same with Sophia... they are my kids. And I'd marry you right now if I knew that you'd say yes."

"Yes." She spoke, and Peter eyed her.

"Yes to me moving in?" He asked, happily.

"Yes to that and marrying you." She spoke, and his eyes lit up and a large smile grew on his lips.

"You better not be teasing me, Mariska." He breathed, and she shook her head before stepping forward and pulling him down to her height. They kissed several times before she smiled.

"We should tell the kids about this all. Us being engaged out of nowhere, how you are moving in with us."

"Let me get you a ring first."

"No need. I would be okay with a piece of string tied around my finger." She grinned. She pulled him down again and they continued to kiss as the sun peeked through the cloud covered Manhattan sky.


Sophia was trying to fall asleep when her mother came into her bedroom. Sophia looked over at her before moving over and patting the now empty side of her bed.

"Can't sleep?" Sophia asked her mother, and Mariska nodded.

"I'm happy. So freaking happy." She grinned.

"About?" Sophia yawned, as she shifted a bit and laid her head on her mother's shoulder. Mariska turned and kissed Sophia's temple before sighing softly.

"Peter and I are going to get married... he wants to move in here too." Mariska breathed.

"What?" Sophia asked, as her eyes lit up. She sat up and quickly turned on the lamp beside her bed and smiled at her mother.

"We went outside and he said that he thinks we should move in together. Then like, he said that if he knew I'd say yes, that we'd get married right now."

"You said yes! God! This is awesome!" Sophia exclaimed, before attacking her mother with a hug.

"You aren't happy, are you?" Mariska laughed, as she held her daughter close.

"I wish that biologically he was my Dad. He is amazing and he makes you light up. You are always smiling and you get chills when he touches your arm and like, mom, he's made for you."

"Do you really think so?" Mariska asked, and Sophia nodded.

"He's going to be the best father ever. Do you think he'd let us call him Dad? Like even if I'm a teenager and he's not actually our bio dad?" Sophia asked.

"Honey, I think you should just test out calling him Dad tomorrow... when he moves in." Mariska smiled. Sophia turned the light off before laying back down. She held onto her mother and Mariska caressed Sophia's hair as they tried to settle down a bit.


Chris had given Sophia time to recover and hopefully get better before going to see her. He pulled up when he saw a moving truck pulling away. He was hoping that Mariska and Sophia weren't moving because then he'd never have a chance at being her Dad. Chris got out and ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. After a few moments, Sophia opened the door.

"Chris." She whispered.

"Hey, Soph... uh, are you guys moving?" Chris asked, and Sophia shook her head.

"Peter is moving in... he and mom are getting married." She replied.

"Oh." Chris breathed. Sophia looked behind him and focused on the brownstone across the street.

"Can we try Wednesdays and Thursdays?" Chris asked, and Sophia laughed bitterly. The laugh seemed to have come out of absolutely nowhere.

"I'm never, and I mean never, going to be spending time with you. You, Carly, Alex... You aren't my family anymore. Peter... he is letting me and the twins call him Dad and he is around. You couldn't even stick around after most of the raising was done. So get off my doorstep before I get my father. He'll be very happy to kick your ass."

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