Ch. 11: Alligator

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up at the Twice dorm, and checked the time on my phone. It's 11:17 am, which means I need to hurry up and get ready, because I told the people I was meeting up with to be at the studio at 1pm. I quickly got up and dressed, ate some breakfast, jumped on my motorcycle (Did I forget to mention you have a motorcycle....) and made my way towards the studio. Once I got in front of the building, I parked the motorcycle and started to walk inside.

I went into the elevator and pressed the button for the 6th floor of the YG building. This of course, is where I'm going to be doing the songs. But I still needed some help with producing it. So I called *Teddy* and asked if I could use his studio for the day. He agreed so I'm here to meet up with him now, along with the other artists I would eventually collaborate with for my track. I reached the door labeled 'Teddy's Studio' and knocked twice. I heard a faint voice shout, 'come in,' so I entered.

I greeted Teddy, and he said to just leave the keys at the front desk when we were done. I said thank you, and he left. I went to my bag, grabbed my notebook and pen, and sat down in front of the mixer. I began writing lyrics that were about not caring about haters or anyone trying to bring you down. They then became about realizing that the noise they make is just that...noise, and about loving yourself and learning not to care about what anyone says or thinks about you. They way I right songs is I first write down the lyrics I'd want to use, no matter what order. Then, the producer would make to soundtrack and edit notes at certain places. Finally, you arrange the lyrics in the order they best sound in.

When I finally finished arranging the lyrics, my lips pursed together in a straight line. My eyelids began to flutter, and my muscles suddenly felt heavy, indicating I was tired. I checked my watch, and it read 2:13 AM. 'Dang it, Jihyo is gonna kill me,' I thought. I decided to hurry on home, so I packed my bag and walked out of the building towards my bike. I jumped on, started it up, and headed back home.

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