Chapter 10: SOJU

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(Tzuyu's POV) [Present Time]

*sniff**sniff* "So when did they find out," I asked Y/n, who didn't reply right away. Then, after a minute,Y/n replied with, "Jeongyeon said she got home before everyone else that day, she walked into them making out on the couch. She didn't interfere because she assumed that was Sana's choice on how she would handle it. When Nayeon and Momo came home, which was an hour later, they said the we're just cuddling on the couch, but they could tell something was going on. They asked Jeongyeon and she said what they suspected what happened. And that's where we're at now."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing with my own ears. Sana cheated on me??? There's no way in Satan's fiery land that she would do that. But hearing that the eldest 3 saw them, I have to believe it now. Even though I wanna hold on, I've gotta let go at some point. Ahhh.... Why is this so stressful... I guess I've gotta do something about it. "What could we do, as in myself, Chaengie, Jihyo-unnie, and you, To make them regret what they did to us," I asked Y/n, ready to get revenge. Y/n answered, "Well, first off, we could make songs, release them for your fans to hear and see how you've been doing. Then, we make it an actual 'comeback release' and have you guys perform them while they're at home watching. We can do a main song, and have 4 solo songs, but we only perform the main song. What do you say?"

"......" I answered, "I think we should do it. They will feel really bad." "Ok," answered Y/n, "I'll talk to some people and, I'll get onto that right away. But what would you like your song to be called, like the title." "Love and Hate."

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