Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Scott walked into the movie store for his first day of work and clocked in. He was so excited to finally have a job again and he felt that he was actually worth something. He helped customer after customer as the busy day went on and loved every minute of it. He was a little shy at first but once he got going he found that he really enjoyed talking with the customers. "Great job so far Scott. I like what I see." Scott's manager patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you sir." Scott beamed.

"So there's a pile of movies on the counter that need to be put away. Can you hold down the fort while I take my lunch?"

"Yep, no problem. See ya in an hour." Scott shook his hand and he walked out of the store. Scott walked over and found the movies his manager was talking about. It was a small stack. He took them and walked to the back of the store to start putting them away. While he was putting a movie on the shelf he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and stepped back when he saw Frank standing there. "Well hello again Scotty." He snickered. Scott looked around making sure his manager wasn't around. They were currently the only people in the store. "What are you doing here?" Scott asked clearly annoyed. 

"Well...I thought about killing you..."

"Go ahead and try but those cameras there will catch it all." Scott interrupted him pointing to the security cameras. Frank glanced up at the cameras and laughed. "I just want to have a little chat with you." Frank said stepping closer to Scott.

"Well I'm too busy working to hear what you have to say, so if you don't mind, how bout you just leave." Scott said angrily. He started to walk away when Frank grabbed his arm. Scott froze. He wasn't going to turn around and punch him in front of the cameras. "I want my daughter. And you're not going to get in my way." Frank growled. Scott yanked his arm free and turned to face Frank. "She's not your daughter anymore and if you want her you'll have to go through me. I'm not backing down." Scott hissed in Franks face. Just then the door buzzed as a customer walked in. Scott turned and walked back to the counter. "Hello, how can I help you?" Scott asked the customer eyeing frank as he walked out of the store. This was going to be a problem. Frank obviously wasn't going to back down but neither was Scott. He wasn't afraid of the man but he knew Kirstie was and that made him angry. She didn't need to be afraid anymore. They were both finally getting their lives together and they were happy together, Frank was complicating things. 

Scott walked out of work and looked around half expecting to see Frank but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. He walked home thinking about what they could do to get rid of him. He was going to have to tell Kirstie about his little visit because they agreed to always be honest with each other but he knew she was going to freak out. He walked through the door and locked it behind him. "Hey how was work?" Kirstie asked from the couch. he walked over to her and sat down. "It was good." Scott answered. Kirst raised an eyebrow sensing something was wrong. "What is it?" She put a hand on his leg. 

"Frank came by to see me. He must have followed me to work. Don't worry nothing happened but something tells me he's not going to stop." Scott shook his head in defeat. Kirstie was silent for a momment and Scott knew the freak out was coming. "This is bad...this is very bad." Kirstie finally said standing up. "No it's not that ba..."

"Scott you don't know what he's capeable of! He's insane and he'll do anything to hurt me!" Kirstie cut him off. She was paceing back and forth. Scott stood up and grabbed her shoulders gently. "Kirst listen to me. I'm a big boy and I'm not afraid of him. I don't want you to worry so much." 

"You should be afraid of him Scott. I'm not kidding here he's dangerous." Her voice was shaky. Scott pulled her in for a hug. "I know he's dangerous. I know what he did to you and I refuse to let that happen again. Whatever I have to do I'll do it to keep you safe." He kissed her and held her close. He was not going to let this girl go. 


Kirstie was walking through a dark house. She was unsure of how she got there but she knew she had to get out. Suddenly she heard evil laughter from down the hallway. She froze with fear recognizing her fathers voice. " girl. Come to daddy." He growled coming closer and closer to her. "No, no please don't!" She yelled terrified. He stopped in front of her and raised his hand to show her the knife he held. "If you fight me it'll hurt worse!" He grabbed her and ripped off her shirt.  "No! please!" She cried and struggled. He slapped her and she fell to the ground. She laid on her stomach and he strattdled her back. "Shut up bitch!" He pushed her face into the ground and brought the knife to her back. Kirstie screamed as the blade ripped through her back over and over. She had never felt so much pain in her life. "Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaseeeee!" She sobbed.....

Kirstie shot up in bed screaming. "Noooo!" She quickly looked around and her eyes fell on a very startled scott looking at her.  "It's ok Kirst, it was just a dream. I'm here." He rubbed he back softly. Kirstie burried her face in her hands and took a series of deep breaths trying to calm down. "I'm sorry I woke you." He pulled her in for an embrace and kissed her cheek. "You don't have to apologize." They laid back down and kirstie rested her head on his shoulder. Scott was worried about her. She had been doing better with the nightmares but now because that asshole was back she was back to having them. He couldn't imagine what she was seeing in her sleep and he really didn't want to know. "Scott?" She asked breaking him from thought. "Yes?" He whispered. 

"How come...well you said your dad hurt you. How come you don't have nightmares?" She rolled to her side to face him. Scott did have nightmares sometimes but they weren't as intense as hers and he could easily hide them. "Well I do have them sometimes. But mine probably aren't as intense as yours. My dad may have beat me up a lot but he didn't put me through near as much as your dad did with you. Most of my dreams are just about he yelling at me and punching me a few times. I can't even imagine what your dreams are like. If I could have them instead of you I would so you could have some peace." He put his arm around her waist and leaned his forehead against hers. "Please don't leave me scott. I need you." She whispered.

"I won't. I need you too kirstie. You've given me a reason to keep living. I was so lost before you saved me. so thank you." He brought his lips to hers in a sweet, passionate kiss. Soon they were both back to sleep.

***I hope non of you are expecting SMUT cuz I can't write that at all lol. Just an FYI. There won't be any of that in any of my writings.***

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