Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Kirstie was making progress. She was finally starting to trust Scott more with everything and she was starting to see herself differently for the first time in her life. Anytime she felt like hurting herself she would go to Scott and he would talk her out of it. It was a system that worked and she was becoming happier and happier with herself. They hadn't officially decided they were a couple yet but Kirstie wanted it. She wanted to be able to say he was hers and she wanted desperately to be his. 

As she walked to work her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out to see a text from Scott. 

SCOTT: Hey, I'm working late tonight and I won't be able to walk you home. If you need me though I can be there just send me a text. I will never let you walk alone if you're not comfortable with it. See you tonight.

ME: No worries, I haven't seen him in a while so it should be fine. See you laters!

She wasn't really too scared of Frank showing up, she always walked to work by herself anyway and he never showed up so she was sure it would be fine. Besides, she couldn't be afraid of him forever. 

Scott read Kirstie's reply and smiled as he walked to the movie store. He had lied to her, but for a good reason. He had something special planned for her tonight and he wanted her to come home and be surprised. Besides if she really needed him he would be there for her. He just hoped Frank wouldn't randomly show up the ONE time he wasn't with her. He was going to ask her to be his girlfriend tonight, officially, and he was nervous as hell! 

All through work he couldn't concentrate on anything except tonight, what he was going to do, how he was going to say it...luckily no one seemed to notice he was distracted. He just finished helping a customer when someone else walked in the store. He didn't look up right away, but the man came to the counter and knocked once breaking Scott from his concentration. He looked up and there was Frank standing there with his famous smirk on his face. Scott was about to rip him a new one but glanced to his right and saw his boss standing there. He took a deep breath and then looked back at Frank. "How can I help you sir?" He said through clenched teeth. Frank glanced in the direction of Scott's manager and then smiled. 

"I'm looking for a specific movie, about a boy and a girl, and the girls father hates the boy for being with his daughter..." He looked very amused. Scott rolled his eyes.

"Yeah uh...that might be back in the drama section." Scott pointed to the back of the store eyeing Frank. Frank turned and looked to the back of the store. "Could you show me?" Frank chuckled under his breath seeing the annoyed look on Scott's face. Scott had no choice but to walk Frank to the back of the store. "Actually, do you guys have a bathroom?" Frank asked and Scott turned to look at him suspiciously. He pointed to his right but said nothing.

"I wonder if you could SHOW me..." Frank was now in Scott's face. Scott sighed and walked over to the small hallways where the bathrooms were. There were no cameras back here and he had a feeling where this was going but he couldn't let his boss see him being rude to a customer. He walked to the men's door and pointed. Beofre he knew it Frank had him pinned against the wall with his arm pushing down on his neck. "This is your last warning Scotty. I know where you work, where Kirstie works, where you LIVE, and I won't quit until I have what's mine." Frank whispered in Scott's ear. Scott didn't struggle, he didn't want to draw attention to what was happening for fear he would lose his job. 

"Now, you're running out of time and I'm running out of patience. If you don't want this to end badly I suggest you give her to me without a fight." Scott had enough of this man. He pushed Frank back and he hit the opposite wall. But was back in Scott's face fast. 

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