Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Scott awoke and looked down at Kirstie who was cuddled up to his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her forehead gently. He loved waking up to this girl every morning. Last night was one of the best night's he'd ever had and he was happy. He remembered what happened at work yesterday and groaned. He had avoided telling Kirstie about it because he didn't want to ruin the night but he knew he had to tell her about it sooner or later. He didn't want her to worry about him but they had agreed to tell each other anything and if Kirstie could tell him everytime she had the urge to hurt herself then he could tell her about this. He turned so he was facing her and his movement caused her to stir and opened her eyes. She smiled instantly when she saw his face and placed her lips to his. Scott broke the kiss and smiled lovingly at her. "Kirstie, theres something I have to tell you, but I don't want you to freak out ok?" He rested his arm around her waist and she nodded. "Frank came to see me at work yesterday. He shoved me up against the wall by the bathrooms and threatened me if I didn't hand you over to him." He explained. Her head dropped and she sighed.

"I knew when you said you needed to talk to me it was about him..." She whispered. 

"I handled it though. I told him there was no way I'd ever hand you over to him." He continued. 

"Yeah but he's not going to stop Scott. What are we supposed to do?" She burried her face in his chest but didn't cry. He sighed and squeezed her tight. 

"I'm not sure Kirst." And he was telling the truth. He really didn't know what to do about this. Frank was right they couldn't go to the police, and Scott knew that Frank wouldn't quit. Still there had to be some way to make him stop right? Scott sighed in frustration and Kirstie snuggled closer to him. "I'm sorry about this." She whispered.

"What? Kirstie none of this is your fault." He said sitting up.

"Yeah but if I hadn't brought you home..."

"If you hadn't brought me home I would be dead right now! Let's just drop the subject ok? We'll deal with him together but for right now let's just not let it bother us ok?" 

"But not thinking about it doesn't fix the problem Scott!" Kirstie raised her voice a little. Scott got out of bed and walked out to the kitchen. He didn't want to argue, he didn't want to fight about Frank. He was going to destroy all the progress they had made together and he didn't want to think about it. After a minute Kirstie walked into the kitchen and hugged him from behind resting her head on his back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, and I wasn't yelling at you." She kissed his back and he turned to face her.

"I know, I'm sorry too. Look we'll figure something out ok? Somehow it'll be ok." He said bringing her close to him. He had to stay strong and keep it together for her. 

"We better get ready for work or we'll be late." Kirstie said breaking the silence. She walked back to the bedroom and walked over to the closet to get dressed. Scott followed her and also got dressed. "Hey do you want me to walk you to work this morning?" Scott offered and Kirstie shook her head.

"No I mean you already walk me home every day, I'll be alright plus if you walk me then you'll be late." Scott walked over to her and pulled her to him. "Are you sure though? Because I care about you more than being late." She smiled at him and nodded. "I'm sure."

"Well ok but if you run into trouble you call me and I'll come running deal?"

"Deal."They finished getting ready and walked out the door together. They kissed eachother goodbye and walked in opposite directions to work. 

Scott thought about Kirstie the whole way to work hopeing that if Frank was following them he was following him and not Kirstie. He didn't want her getting hurt. He was pulled from thought by footsteps behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see Frank strolling behind him. Scott rolled his eyes in annoyance but kept walking as he heard a chuckle from Frank. "Why are you following me? It's very creepy you seriously need to get a life Frank." Scott sassed keeping his attention foreward. He was suddenly shoved forward and he stumbled to his knees. He got up and turned to face an angry Frank. "You got a smart mouth boy...someone needs to show you your place." He sneered. Scott glared at him but said nothing. They had a short stare-down before Scott rolled his eyes again and turned to walk away. He was going to be late for work and Frank wasn't worth his time. Frank however had a different plan and he grabbed Scott's arm and pulled it behind his back slamming his face against the brick buidling the were standing next to. "Let go of me you creep!" He struggled but frank kept him pinned. 

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