Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kirstie and Scott walked home from the house Kirstie babysat at in silence. He had been walking her home from work  almost everyday because she was so afraid of Frank and thankfully he got off work before her everyday. They walked through the park and Scott sighed loudly breaking the silence. Kirstie stopped next to a big tree trunk. "What's wrong Scott?" Kirstie asked. Scott leaned against the tree trunk and looked up at the sky. "I was just thinking....." He trailed off. 

"About?" Kirstie asked curiously.

"About how much I've changed since you brought me home that night." He smiled and took her hand. "I was so lost and then you found me and now, for the first time in a long time I can actually say I'm happy." She smiled brightly at him as He leaned in for a kiss. Suddenly he was shoved forward landing on his stomach. Kirst gasped and  stepped back as Frank stepped out from behind the tree.  "Aww ain't that sweet..." He smirked. Scott got to his hands and knees but didn't get further than that before Frank kicked him in the stomach. He dropped back to the ground trying to catch his breath. "STOP!" Kirstie yelled and Frank grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. "You don't tell me what to do! I am your father and you're coming home NOW!" He yelled. She pulled her arm trying to get away but he was too strong. Scott jumped up and pushed Frank away from her. He pushed her back gently and stood in front of Frank. "Don't touch her!" He yelled angrily and threw a punch to Frank, but missed. Frank ducked down and landed a punch to Scott's kidney causing Scott to yell out in pain and grasp his side. frank grabbed him and pulled him forward and turned him around. He kicked Scott's chest pushing him into the tree. Without missing a beat he punched Scott in the eye. Scott threw his own punch which connected to Franks nose but that didn't stop him. He punched Scott two more times and threw him to the ground, kicking his stomach. Scott glanced up at the smile plastered on Franks face until...he was hit from behind with a thick tree branch. "Get away from him!" Kirstie yelled raising the branch again. She hit Frank in the shoulder as hard as she could and he yelled out angrily. She raised the branch a third time but he was up and running away. She watched him run and then dropped the branch and ran over to Scott who was struggling to stand. "SCOTT! Are you ok? Oh my god!" She yelled when she saw the blood dripping from his eyebrow and nose. She helped him up and he coughed and held his stomach. "I'm...I'm ok." He finally got out.

"God I knew this would happen! I told you he would hurt you!" She was hysterical. Scott grabbed her into an embrace and squeezed her tightly. "Kirstie calm down, I'm ok. Please calm down babe." He rubbed her back soothingly. She burried her face in his chest until she finally calmed down and pulled away. "You're bleeding..." She touched his eyebrow. He simply took her hand in his and started to walk. 

They walked home keeping an eye out for Frank but he was long gone. Once they got inside Kirstie went to the kitchen and came back with a bag full of ice and a wet rag. They were both silent as she cleaned the blood off his face and then handed him the icepack. He put it to his eye and leaned back closing his eyes. Kirstie sighed and walked into her room plopping herself onto her bed. She was angry, sad and scared, just so many emotions at once. She laid down and stared at the wall. 

Scott wanted to go comfort Kirstie but he knew it wouldn't help. The only thing that would help was getting Frank out of her life. They couldn't just leave, they didn't have money for that. They could go to the police but all they would do is serve Frank with a restraining order and something told Scott that wouldn't stop him. He was pulled from thought by Kirstie stomping in the room. She grabbed her apartment keys and her wallet and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" Scott asked nervously. She shot him a glare and opened the door. "I'll be back just stay put." She snapped and then she was out the door slamming it behind her. Scott sat in shock wondering what he had done to make her so mad. He didn't respond well to people being angry at him and his brain was shutting down. He sighed and layed down, before long he was fast asleep.

Kirstie walked down the street feeling awful. She hadn't meant to be so mean to Scott, and she wasn't mad at him. She was mad at Frank and the situation they were in. He made her lash out at Scott and she hated herself for it, Frank always brought out the worst in her and that's one of the big reasons she left. That and the beatings. She pushed the memories out of her mind and quickened her pace. She was a girl on a mission and she was in a hurry. 

Scott awoke to the door being opened and looked up to see Kirstie walk in with a small bag. She locked the door and made her way over to the couch. She sat down and Scott shrank away from her a little nervous that she was still mad at him. People being mad at him gave him anxiety. She realized he was scared and she gave him a look of sadness. "I'm sorry Scott. I didn't mean to sound angry. I'm not mad at you and you don't have to be afraid. I would NEVER hurt you EVER!" She smiled and touched his leg. He relaxed and put his hand on hers. "Now I left because I needed to get something." She pushed the bag to him and he opened it. He pulled out two medium sized pocket knives. "What's this?" He asked a little confused.

"I figured after what happened that it would be a good idea to have them on us...just in case." She shrugged and took one of the knives from him. Scott just raised an eyebrow at her. He didn't think it was necissary. "Please just keep it with you all the time? For me?" She made a pouty face and he sighed. 

"Alright...but I don't think we will need them." He put the knife in his pocket and then layed back down trying to settle his pounding headache. "How are you feeling?" She asked snuggling next to him.

"Other than my head I'm alright." He sighed. She kissed his cheek and rolled over so she was on his chest. 

"I wish I could hurt him. I feel helpless. I watched him beat the shit out of you and I couldn't do anything to help you. " She sounded frustrated.

"What are you talking about? You made him leave. You're the one who saved me...again. You were amazing and I garauntee you hurt him when you hit him." He still couldn't beleive she didn't know how amazing she was, She said nothing causing Scott to sigh in frustration. "Why can't you see how amazing you are? How beautiful and smart?" He stroaked her hair. Kirstie was silent for a moment trying to think of what to say. She didn't beleive she was those things...but why did he? He sounded to sinsere, like he really meant everything he said. Finally she spoke. "I've been told all of my life how worthless I am. I've been beaten every second and I have wounds deeper than the ones that are visible. It's hard for me to beleive that you mean what you say. It's hard for me to trust anyone. " She said quietly. Scott squeezed her and kissed her forehead. In a way he understood what she was going through because he experienced some of the same. He was told the same thing growing up and once his parents kicked him out he thought no one loved him. But Kirstie changed all of that. She was so kind and sweet. "Kirstie, growing up...everytime my father would hit me, I felt worthless. He told me I screwed up everything I tried to do. I grew up thinking that no one loved me, and that no one would ever love me. I can remember one day I was laying on the floor and my dad had just kicked me hard in the stomach. I looked into my moms eyes and I swear to you I saw hate in them. She didn't care about me at all and I lost all hope that anyone ever would. But then I met you. You made me see that I wasn't worthless, that I meant something. And now look at me, I have a job, and I'm doing well. It's all because of you. You can't tell me that you're worthless when you've saved a life multiple times. Please beleive me Kirstie. You're the most amazing person I've ever met." He could feel her shaking a little and knew she was crying. He hoped it was happy tears. 

"You really mean it don't you?" She said as her tears fell. 

"Yes I really do." Kirstie was crying, not because she was sad but because what he said made her like herself. No one has ever said anything like that to her before and it gave her hope that in time she would be ok. Maybe, just maybe she could learn to love herself. 

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