Chapter five

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Eventually the hug ended, and I dumped my bag by the staircase, the house was actually very homely inside. I looked around absent mindedly as the boys talked about something that didn't really interest me, sports or something I think it was. The house wasn't as big as it looked from the outside, from the bottom of the stairs I could see seven doors, I assumed five of which were bedrooms, one was a bathroom, I wasn't sure about the seventh room, could've been a study. After that

'So which movie first?' Louis asked, this caught my attention, there were three DVD's laid out on the floor.

'That one' I said, I'd seen two of them already so I picked the third one, it was some kind of thriller, like a scary movie maybe. 

'Good choice' Niall commented, as he slipped the DVD into the blu-ray player and jumped into an arm chair right next to the TV. Liam went to go get food from the kitchen, I followed him just because I was nosy. The kitchen was huge, however it was very modern, it had red cabinets with black marble  counter tops, a massive fridge, it was one of this kind of retro ones, I loved it. After that we both went back to the living room, I sat down on the big corner sofa, Harry hopped into the space next to me, again he was sat unusually close to me. On my other side was Louis, who was sat a reasonable distance away, then Zayn and then Liam.

'Okay this movie is kind of scary, so brace yourself' Zayn told me, I'd seen a lot of scary movies before so I wasn't really worried. About 30 minutes in I realised Zayn was right, this was so scary, I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them tightly.

'You okay?' Harry whispered in my ear, the feeling of his hot breath against my cheek, sent a chill down my spine.

'Yeah, yes I'm fine' I stammered uncertainly, why was he so close to me?

'You sure?' he asked, as he moved his arm so it rested on top of the sofa, I wasn't sure whether that's just how he sat or whether it was like he had his arm around my shoulder, my mind just wouldn't ever let me believe that he liked me, I mean me, I wear boots just about all year round, I'm crazy, I can never concentrate, and to be frank I very rarely socialise like this, or at all for that matter. I'm just another weird Directioner, who spends her days on Twitter stalking the boys who make her world go round, and out of the millions of girls who are in love with Mr Harry Styles, I didn't think I'd ever be the one. Yet again I'd lost concentration on the movie and was off in another day dream. Suddenly I felt Harry's arm around my shoulders, and in typical me style, I paniced.

'Uh, um, I'm just uh going to the toilet' I stuttered frantically, before practically leaping of the sofa and running to where ever the toilet was, oh my gosh what was I doing? I just ran away from Harry, I had no idea what I was doing, or going to do. Maybe he did actually like me? Why would he do that if he didn't, friends didn't do that to each other?

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