Chapter ten

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I was furious, I felt like it was unfair he didn't tell me this until now.

'Well its only for 3 months and... And I don't go for another four days' he said, as if that made it all better.

'Oh my gosh that's great, I feel so much better' I smirked sarcastically, I shook my head and lay down on the couch trying to think straight. 

'Come on, tell you what, forget about this and spend the next three days here, just you and me together' he suggested, it sounded like a great idea I mean I was angry, but the idea of just relaxing with Harry sounded perfect right now. I bit my lip and thought about it further for a minute, I had nothing to lose which made it a win, win situation.

'Okay, sounds perfect' I smiled, it was a silly idea, however I couldn't think of anything I'd rather be doing with my weekend, or ever really.

'Good, so today, we'll do nothing' he announced, I laughed and cuddled on the sofa next to him, I could hear his calm, steady heartbeat as I rested my head on his chest. Even though it was only 11am I felt like going to sleep, Harry seemed tired as well.

'Well since our plans are to do nothing, fancy taking a nap' I grinned looking up into his sharp green eyes, he laughed and nodded as he shuffled so he was lying down next to me.

'Come here' he whispered in my ear and pulled me closer to him, the only thing I remember after that was closing my eyes while listening to his heart pumping in his chest. 

*Two hours later*

I slowly opened my eyes, the light from the window practically blinded me so I attempted to shield my eyes using hand. I could hear Harry's quiet laugh, he was watching me while running his fingers through my long hair, it was so relaxing. Using my hand I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Harry smiling at me, I could see in his eyes that he was so happy to be there with me, I hadn't seen anyone look me like that in a long time and I felt like I was on top of the world. 

'Don't you have any PJ's with you?' He asked, I shook my head, I wish I did bring some because my jeans were becoming really uncomfortable. 'Okay I'll get you one of my hoodies, you don't look very comfortable like that, you alright with that?' He said, again I just nodded. He left but then returned a minute later and threw a purple Jack Wills hoodie at me.

'Thanks babe' I smiled as I got up to go get changed into it, I felt completely comfortable so I took off my jeans and T-shirt, the chucked it on with only my vest, bra and pants underneath. His jumper came to about half way down my thigh so I thought it looked acceptable. I wandered through to the kitchen because I could hear Harry going through the cupboards.

'What are you doing?' I inquired as I stood in the doorway.

'You look nice' he grinned, 'Oh I was making you a hot chocolate, its got whipped cream, mini marshmallows and now I'm just look for chocolate powder to put on the top'. I 'awed' loudly, he was so sweet. The hot chocolate had the perfect swirl of whipped cream and the pink and white marshmallows rested on top in a heart shape.

'Its fine like that, thanks so much' I kissed him on the cheek, I absolutely loved being with Harry, he made me so happy, I felt like I could be myself and I didn't feel like that around most people because I was insecure and generally quite shy towards people I don't know really well.

'Give me a kiss on the lips' he said doing the sad/begging face, on the other hand it was obvious he was trying not to smile. I shook my head cheekily, he carried on staring and I gave in, so I gave him a peck on the lips. 

'Love spending time with you baby' he said giving me a hug. 

'I think you owe me a date actually Mr. Styles' I winked, I also loved calling my 'Mr Styles' I thought it sounded quite cute really.

'Oh yeah, I do indeed. How about tomorrow?' He suggested.

'Sounds perfect' I said.

'But for now, let's just go watch TV, I've had enough drama over the last two days to last me long enough' he laughed and carried my hot chocolate through to the living room for me. One of the best days I've ever had, and I was so in love with Harry. 

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