Chapter seventeen

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I was kind of angry so I was sat bolt up right looking at Harry, if he knew all this time why didn't he tell me?

'Look calm down, when you said it wasn't yours I knew it was Cailey's, like you said she acted weird all week end' he said, he was lying. I decided to let it go for now because at some point he would let it slip.

'Okay' I replied simply and lay back down to go to sleep. I was awake for a long time after that, I was too busy worrying however I eventually fell asleep. The bright light of morning flooded into our room as I began to open my eyes, Harry was next to me and he was awake.

'Hey babe' I said in his raspy morning voice, his eyes were still half shut and he looked really adorable.

'Morning Styles' I replied and pecked him on the lips, all my worries seemed to float away when I felt his strong arms around me.

'Sorry about last night' he whispered and kissed my forehead.

'It's okay and I think we need to have a talk with Louis about last night though' I giggled, I remembered him coming in and I was annoyed at the time but it was really funny now.

'I know, that was annoying' Harry laughed and got up. I was still lying in bed but I heard Harry singing to himself in the bathroom and got out of bed as well; I threw on one of Harry's old jumpers and walked through the living room.

'Morning boys' I smiled holding the jumper closer to me as I felt the cold morning air against my skin.

'Why hello there, how was last night?' Louis winked.

'Uh not so good after you came in' I replied rolling my eyes, I was just going to wait till they were all out again.

'Wait what happened last night?' Liam asked confused.

'I caught Lexi and Harry about to go at, I mean Haz was all over her, you know kissing her neck and stuff' Louis grinned when he saw me blushing and staring at my feet.

'Well it wasn't very nice of you to disturb them Louis' Liam said, I smiled over at him for standing up for me.

'Hey! I didn't know that's what they'd be up to while we were out, it's just inappropriate' Lou answered in his sassy tone.

'Hey guys' Harry said rubbing his eyes as his walked in, he was the only person I knew that looked beautiful even when he had just gotten up. He looked over at me and smirked since I was only wearing very short PJ shorts and his jumper.

'Morning Harry, I was just telling the boys about how you and Lexi were-' Louis began

'Okay thanks, don't want the details I was there and didn't appreciate you coming in' Harry cut him  off clearly not very amused by this then he just laughed and got up however he returned a moment later with my phone in his hand, Cailey's number flashed on the screen and I tore it out of his hand to take the call.

'Cailey, hey!'  I accidently said it really loud and high pitched which made all the boys laugh so I put my middle finger up to them and slowly shut the door behind me so I could take her phone call in the hall.

'Hey Lexi, listen I need to talk to you' Cailey's voice sounded through the phone,

'Yeah I know about the pregnancy test thing...' my voice trailed off since I didn't know how she would react.

'Oh my gosh that's such a relief' she sighed, I was shocked, I expected her to cry or something, 'I was so nervous about telling you'

'Oh well it's fine, um  who else did you tell? Did you tell Harry?' I asked, I had been worried sick about her ever since she left and Harry was being so weird.

'I need to go babe, don't worry about me too much' she said quickly even though she knew I was going to worry anyway, I hung up. I turned around and saw Aiste walking down the hall towards me.

'Hey' I grinned and gave her a hug, I'm not sure why I did but we seemed to just click and get on really well.

'Hiya, is Niall in?' she asked.

'Yes but all the boys are still here so I don't know if you want to go in or...' I didn't really know what her and Niall were exactly but I assumed they weren't going to be announcing it just yet.

'Oh yeah, I'm kind of early' she sighed, I felt kind of bad for her.

'I'm going out to get coffee if you want to come?' I offered, I wanted to get to know her and she wasn't busy, neither was I so I thought why not.

'Yeah okay' she grinned, however she looked at me kind of weirdly, then I realised I was still in my PJ's. 

'Uh yeah, let me get changed' I blushed and ran inside, and chucked on whatever clothes I could find. Aiste and I went out to get coffee and it was really fun, we chatted for ages. I could tell today was going to be good I mean I spent the morning with Aiste, I was going to spend the night with Harry then Eleanor was coming and her plane landed sometime early in the morning.


The boys were all out by this time which meant it was just Harry and I in the house. He hadn't taken his eyes off me since I got back from having coffee with Aiste, I could see the lust in his eyes as they followed me around the room. 

'So the boys are out now' Harry whispered in my ear and I felt his arms wrap around my waist as I poured myself a drink.

'It appears so Harry' I giggled, I felt the butterflies in my stomach as he started to kiss my neck like he did last night, he found my sweet spot almost immediately. I span around to face him and kissed his lips hard, I could feel smiling into the kiss. It started to get heated and he lifted me up onto the kitchen counter, I ran my hands through his and tried to steady my breathing. Well what happened after that is kind of obvious, so I'll skip the details but luckily this time we weren't disturbed. I fell asleep in Harry's arms however we were woken up a couple of hours later by someone bursting into our room and turned on the lights. Harry pulled the duvet up higher so it covered me.

'Guys you could knock!' Harry shouted obviously really surprised, in the doorway stood Louis and Eleanor laughing. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Harry, he just smiled and kissed my forehead.

'Sorry guys, I see you didn't waste anytime while we were out  but anyway get dressed and come catch up with us' Louis said while I was bright red and hiding under the covers, I heard Harry's deep laugh.

'Okay mate, could you give me a couple minutes to put clothes on' he grinned and they left, we both quickly got dressed. We chatted with Louis and Eleanor for a while until Louis and Harry both went to get a drink.

'Eleanor, do you know about the pregnancy test we found?' I asked.

'Yeah, didn't Harry tell you that Cailey-' she started but Harry stormed in.

'Nothing, there's nothing to tell now let's watch a movie' Harry glared at Eleanor who held his stare and I could tell there was something going on, what did everyone else know that I didn't?

'Spill it' I demanded and they all looked around at eachother for a moment before Harry sighed and started to walk over to me.

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