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Ethan and I walked over to the hospital seats near Grayson's room.

Both of us take a seat next to each other leaving a small gap in between.

I take a journal out of my small handbag and a pen to write down his answers I will probably memorize.

We sit there silently as I think of something to say.

"Before I start, I wanted to say thank you for agreeing to this Ethan." I pause. "I know this is  something very hard for you to speak about so thank you"

He smiles politely at me and nods his head.

"Okay...umm...let start" I nervously say as I click my pen.

"How did this all happen?" I ask looking up to him.

"That was fast." He lightly chuckles.

"I just like to get the big picture I guess"

"Well, what they told me here was that Grayson got into a car accident and had multiple internal bleeds that they ended up fixing in surgery."

"Once he got out, he didn't wake up instantly. They thought it would only take a couple of days but days turned into weeks and then months."

"They believe he is in a coma because he had severe head trauma when he crashed"

"Right now we still don't know if he is ever going to wake up," he says sniffling.

It's clear talking about Grayson's state hurt him.

"This is not for the interview but do you know where he was going?"I ask curiously.

"He was going on a date." He chuckles. "Poor girl got stood up"

"He didn't even know who she was. He got set up by one of our friends" he says.

"When was this?" I quickly ask.

"It was about 3 months ago. Why do you ask?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh, its nothing," I say politely.

The rest of the interview I ask him questions the Valerie gave me.

All through the interview, I kept thinking about what Ethan said.

Then something clicked.


"Angie I'm not going on a date with someone I don't even know" I exclaim as I sat on my bed.

"Jess I promised Jacob I would get his friend a date for Friday"

"Why me though? You have lots of friends to choose from"

"I just think you and him will get along according to what Jacob told me"

"I'm not going," I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Okay then do it for me then. Jacob is a cute guy and I don't want to disappoint" she says with pleading eyes.

I shake my head no and she begins to pout.

"Please?" She says kindly.

How can I say no now

"Okay fine I'll go on that date"

"Thank you!!! Thank you!!!" She says hugging me tightly.


Patiently I wait at the restaurant as the hour's pass.

It's clear that he stood me up.

Wow, love that.

I send Angie a quick text telling her that he never showed up and decide to get the check.

The waiter comes over handing me the ticket.

"Your drink is on the house. I'm sorry he never showed up" he says.

I look up at him and try my best to not say anything rude back.

"Thank you," I say as kindly as possible whilst I get up and walk out.

I guess it's for the best.

*End of flashback*

It was him months ago. I just didn't know.

I finish the interview and quickly exit the hospital unable to breathe.

The electric doors open letting me exit.

The wind from outside makes contact with my skin making me feel sigh in relief.

What did I get myself into


I walk out of my room and try to spot Jess.

I see Ethan standing next to the nurse's station with no sign of Jess.

Where could she be

I decide to go back home and probably wait for her there.

I walk outside the hospital and see her standing there waiting for an uber I'm guessing.

I walk over to her and try talking to her.

"Jess I know you aren't talking to me but-"

"I figured it out" she speaks in a low voice.

"What do you mean," I asked still unable to understand what she is trying to tell me.

"I'll tell you later," she says as her uber pulls up.

What did she mean when she said she 'figured it out'



I love this hopefully you do too :)

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