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I have a massive headache.

That's all I know when I first wake up. My vision is hazy and the lights are too bright. Can someone please turn them off?

Through my blurry sight, I see figures walking around. It clears and I notice that the ceiling is so white. My bedroom ceiling was never pure white. It was more of a cream colour. Then the thought occurs to me, I'm not at home. At that, I panic and sit up too quickly. My headache hits me at full force. I hiss in pain and people in white coats, who I now realize are doctors, surround me. I'm at the hospital. How did I get here? I hear one of the doctors ask me what my name is, but I can't seem to remember. All the fuss tires me out. I lie back down and promptly fall asleep.

In my dreams, I see flashes of memories that I don't really remember. Smiling faces that are familiar. Places I think I've seen. Bright lights flashing. Someone yelling the name Melody. Huge, orange and red flames licking up through the air. Everyone screaming in fear and pain.

I jerk up and out of my dreams, breathing hard. I remember my name! "Melody," I whisper, voice hoarse. I must have been in the fire. That's why I'm in the hospital. Now I notice that my arms are pretty sore. Looking down at myself, I see I have a few burns, most likely from when I was near the flames. Then, I hear what sounds like something or someone squeaking along the marble tiles on the floor.

It's dark and I hear something crash down to the ground. Someone curses under their breath. Well, at least I now know what was making that squeaking sound. Whoever this person is, their shoes must have been squeaking on the sparkling clean tiles. A silhouette appears in the doorway. I'm still sitting up in the bed, facing the door. We stare at each other. I can't see their face, but judging by the silhouette, it's a guy. Slowly, he walks towards me.

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