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After saying good night, I crawl into the bed and lie awake, unable to fall asleep. My mind is too full of racing thoughts, and they are not slowing down. It's like my brain won't let me sleep until I figure this out.

Turning onto my side, I watch Seraph's breathing slow until he is finally asleep. He looks calmer than ever. Flipping back over, I stare at the ceiling, trying to unravel my thoughts. After the car incident, Seraph kept looking at me funny, like he knew something I didn't. Maybe he does.

Lately, he's been acting different ever since the fire. Come to think of it, I don't recall my oldest friend's keychain to have the fire pendant. It seems like a cruel reminder of sorts. Why would someone want to remember an event that scarred their life, or maybe that's why he wants to remember. Or is there another hidden meaning.

Thinking back to the day of the fire, when we found each other, there was so much fear in his eyes, but there was fear everywhere. Focusing harder on the memory, I notice one small detail that changes everything. A hint of guilt. My safe bubble has popped and I am left exhausted and gasping for air.

Finally having satisfied my brain, all is quiet in my head and I can finally rest. I decide to question Seraph about this newfound knowledge in the morning.

Just as I am drifting off to sleep, there is a bright, white flash that fills the entire room. Then it is gone just as quickly as it came.

Slowly, I pull myself up into a seated position, shaking. I turn to Seraph, about to ask him about the flash, when I see him literally jolt up into the air and crash back down onto the couch. He turns onto his side, panting and out of breath. The only problem is that he forgets that he is on the couch and just falls out and onto the floor instead with a big oof.

I wince. Throwing off the blankets, I kneel down next to Seraph. "Are you alright?" I ask. His only response is throwing an arm over his face with a groan. I lean forward, laughing over him as his body also shakes with silent laughter. Lying down next to him on the floor, I use my hands as a pillow and we stare at each other laughing quietly. Seraph sighs. "I am so glad I found you." He puts his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. I bury my head in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. It feels good to have my best friend back. 

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