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Long before we were even born, our mothers were the best of friends. Seraph was born first. I came two months later. We've spent every day together from the very beginning. My mother, Erica, was an amazing piano player. You give her something brand new to play, she only needs to go through it once or twice before she can play the whole thing with both hands. Come back next week, she has it mastered and memorized. She knew tons of different random facts about playing the piano. You could ask her anything and she would know the answer. How many keys are on a grand piano? 88 keys. How many black keys to white keys? 36 black keys and 52 white keys. What are the black keys? Sharps and flats.

Mom named me Melody, which was no big surprise since she loved playing the piano. I was also pretty good at the piano, learning from Mom. I'll never be as good as her though. I loved writing stories though. That's where Seraph's mother, Skyler, came in. She would help me with my stories. She would read and edit them, help me make them better. Sometimes Seraph and I would collaborate and write a story together. Other times, we wrote separate stories and shared them with each other after. We had lots of fun together.

Sure, we had other friends from school. We had loads of fun hanging out together. There was my group of girls and there was Seraph's group of boys. During school, we were with our separate groups. There were nine of us in my group. I was always trying to convince my mom to let me have a sleepover with my friends. I already had them with Seraph, but it would be weird to talk about it at school.

I am pulled out of my memories by a bright light. A car speeds towards our car. And the driver is not slowing down. It comes straight at us. Too late! There is nothing we can do. I hold my arms crossed in front of my face in preparation for impact.

One second passes. Then two.

The crash never comes. We should nearly be dead by now. What happened? Slowly, I lower my hands. The car that was coming at us, it just stopped. I stare at my hands. Orange runs through the lines of my palms. I turn to Seraph, eyes wide. Quickly, we get out of the car and walk over to the driver side. There the driver sits, frozen and not moving. The car itself has an orange hue surrounding it. It slowly fades away. What have I done?

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