Spine ☠️ (20)

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Billie's POV

I should've never gone to that party. I looked over at my baby, Y/N in bed. I fell off the roof, drunk and broke my ankle, injured my shins and fucked up my neck. I sighed. Fin thought I had been beaten up and got really worried and was about to fight someone when he saw I was hurt. I hope Y/N wakes up soon so she can put ice on my legs and rub them. She's been taking care of me since. I gently pulled her closer to my chest and rubbed her back.

About an hour and a half later she was awake. "Baby?" I asked. "Yes?" She answered. "Can you take care of me?" I asked while playing with her hair. "Of course I can. Do you want anything to eat mama?" She asked. "No. Rub my legs." I demanded. She nodded and got the ice.

After she rubbed my legs we cuddled, watching something on TV. Finneas texted me. I looked at it.

Finneas 🧡
Can I come up to your room and see you?

Bils 💚

Finneas walked in and saw us all cuddled up. "Aw, lovebirds." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked. "To see you. Are you okay?" He said sitting on the bed and putting a hand on my leg. "Yea, I'm okay." I smiled. He smiled back at me. "Okay. I just wanted to make sure. Do you need anything?" He asked. "No, I'm okay." I said shifting around in bed. He nodded. "Okay, just tell me if you want anything. Love you." He said smiling as he left. "Love you too, Finn." I smiled.

"Billie?" Y/N asked. "Yes?" I answered. "I don't feel good..." she said looking at me. "Both of us." I smiled. "Billie? Could I just take a break from my chores just for today? I feel dizzy and hot, and nauseous and you're not feeling good either. I-" I cut her off, "No." I said simply. She frowned. "Okay. Sorry I asked." She said quietly. I smiled and kissed her on the head, "it's okay." She kissed me on the nose and got up. "You do seem hot. Come here and take your temperature." I said. She nodded and grabbed the thermometer out of the bathroom, sitting in the bed. She fiddled with it, not knowing how to turn it on. I snatched it from her. "Come closer to me." She obeyed. "Open." She opened her mouth and I put the thermometer in. I took it out a few seconds later and saw she had a mild fever. "You have a fever, 101. You're still doing your chores. I handed her be thermometer. "Put this away and go." She looked down and nodded.


I walked downstairs, my head pounding. Usually Billie's really sweet and caring when I'm sick. It kind of hurt my feelings that she doesn't care. I grabbed a mop and started cleaning the kitchen floor, stopping every once in a while to recuperate- my head is pounding even more. I had the urge to throw up for some reason. I walked over to the sink area and started to unload the dishwasher, feeling even more dizzy.

Soon I wasn't seeing right. Things were blurry and moving slowly. I sat down in front of the dishwasher, putting my head down.

Billie's POV

I was gonna go downstairs, she should've been done by now. I was kind of mad at her, why was she taking so long? She should've been upstairs cleaning the bedrooms, before Finneas gets back. "NOAH!" I yelled. She came out of her room, knowing what I needed. She helped me down the stairs without saying a word, going back into her room after. She's moody today. Probably PMSing or something. She looked cute, though, not gonna lie. I limped to the kitchen, to see Y/N slumped down, asleep. What the fuck? I limped towards her. Worried, I poked at her with my foot. "Y/N? "Y/N!" She wasn't waking up. I sat down, which was difficult to do. I felt her face, she was really hot.  I called out to Gazzy, he walked in, his dreads shaking as he walks. "What- oh." He looked at her. He knelt down next to me. She opened her eyes "what? Billie..." she said half asleep. "What happened mamas?" I said gently, stroking her cheek. "I dunno." She said closing her eyes. "Don't close your eyes." I said trying to prop her up. Gazzy helped me sit her up. "Go grab the thermometer out of my room." I told him. He ran up the stairs, coming back down with it soon after. I took her temp, it came out to 105. "She needs to go to the hospital. Poor baby." I said. I shouldn't have made her do her chores. I was kind of rude to her about it too.

I texted everyone to let them know I was going to the hospital with Y/N. I grabbed her fake identification and went downstairs again, Noah helping me. She's coming with. Gazzy carried Y/N to his car and out her in the back seat, where I sat with her.

When we got there we checked her in, all was normal. She woke up a little more when she was in the hospital bed. "Billie my head hurts..." she said closing her eyes and laying her hear back. "I know baby, it's okay. The nurse is gonna be here in a minute, Okay?" I asked, moving her hair out of her face. She nodded. About five minutes late the nurse walked into the room, smiling. "Hi, my name's Kayla, I'll be your nurse for today." Y/N nodded. I whispered into Y/N's ear quickly before she could say anything stupid, "Your name is Angela." I pulled away and smiled. "So, Angela? Do you have any other symptoms than headache, fever, nausea, fainting and confusion?"


I wonder how she knew my symptoms. Billie probably told her. "No, just those... some dizziness too." I said sitting up. Alright. I'm gonna give you some Tylenol then the doctor will come in and talk about your symptoms with you. I nodded.

About 30 minutes later a doctor came in. "Hello, miss Abanacht." He said shaking my hand, that must be my "new" last name. "I'm doctor Pinkett." I nodded. "Looking over your symptoms we think you may have meningitis. I'm thinking we'll do a spinal tap and see what going on." I went stiff. "What's a spinal tap?" Asked Billie, as she held my hand. "Well, we basically extract fluid from your spine. Judging by the color and some tests we'll be able to determine what happening, if it's meningitis." He nodded. "Does it hurt?" Billie asked. I'm glad she's talking for me, my head hurts so much every time I talk I feel an echoing of pain and it sounds really loud. "It can be painful but only for a few seconds." He nodded. Billie looked at me and kissed my head. "She can handle it." She smiled.

Please please comment 💕 wanna know what you think ❤️❤️ sorry for not updating

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