Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:the unexpected event

Time check august 2 20XX

(Y/n):"urgghhh" you say as you wake up hitting your alarm clock.

Mom:"honey breakfast is here"

(Y/n):"coming..." you say as you go downstairs.

Dad:"morning son" going downstairs you smell a dish rich in sweet aroma.
(Y/n):(in thoughts)"what is that" you savor the smell while your stomach crumbles in hunger

When you reach the dining room you see your favorite food (the food of your choice)

(Y/n):(sits down at the chair)"thanks for the meal" after you say that,your father said "well,arent you early today kiddo"

You shrug the statement your dad gave you and continued eating.

Mom:"oh darling have you forgotten? its his special day~" trying to explain dad apologizes

Dad:"my bad,I am getting old after all" he let out a little laugh while ruffling your hair

(Y/n):"come on dad im not a kid anymore so please stop" he then stops and grabs something on his item safe and gave you what it looks like a box

Dad:"take it,its a gift" without questions you open it seeing a bracelet that looks like its made of sapphire

(Y/n):"woah there,thanks for the accessory dad" you then prepared for the day for two sole reasons,one being your birthday and two because its your graduation on being a highschool student

Mom:"dont forget to wake your little sister up"you sigh and woke her up. Five minutes later you and your little sister ayane came downstairs and you excused yourself so that you wont be late.


[At the gymnasium]

You find yourself in a big crown of your batchmates while looking for a friend,after some time,you hear a voice calling for your name...

Hakiri:"hey (Y/n)! Good to see your early for the first time"he said as you shrug the statement off "by the way (Y/n),why are you early its rare for you to be THIS early."

(Y/n):"well there are 2 reasons." And you began to tell him. As you told him the reason his face was shocked.

Hakiri:"WHAT?! YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY BEING THE-"you covered his mouth to prevent anyone from knowing.

(Y/n):"can you be quiet?"

Hakiri:"sorry,just surprised your birthday was today...anyway,you got any presents from someone???"smirking as if you were being teased you said "my dad gave me this cool looking bracelet though" his eyes turn into sparkly stars and you began telling him about how weird he was everytime he does that.


when it was your turn to get your certificate on the stage you felt something look behind and saw a portal. People were running away from the stage and you just stood there.

(Y/n):(thoughts)"maybe if I get in the school will be saved..."you then glanced behind looking at the people and said in a loud voice "DONT WORRY ILL SACRIFICE MYSELF TO SAVE YOU GUYS"

The students were saying stuff like "are you crazy?" And "are you out of your mind?" You just shrug those comments off and said "trust me ill be finishing this commotion" you didnt know that your classmate named shion has feelings for you. when you went to the portal she said

Shion:"DONT (Y/n)!!" But only to find out she was too late


You find yourself unconscious,for a little while

(Y/n):"wha.."after a good minute trying to see where you are you find yourself lying down the beach...alone...

Chapter end

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