IV | how do I entertain myself without my family?

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friend: defined as a person that you are fond of, with whom you talk or spend time. An example of a friend is the person you have known a long time and trust

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IV | how do I entertain myself without my family?

I talk to my friends. They're practically my family and I love them both.

Zack and Serena.

Serena and I only met pretty recently. Zack had really wanted to be in a club and the only thing that was left was the Welcoming Committee which isn't even a club honestly but nobody else wanted to do it so we had a guaranteed spot. Our only job was to make newcomers feel welcomed funny since we were months into 8th and were about to take on summer then high school but I was fairly confident in my knowledge to make the few months we had comfortable. Our first welcomed student was Serena.

Serena transferred here from a super smart school in the area and she was pretty. Drop dead gorgeous and yet humble about it all kind of pretty. Her hair was black and bone straight and her eyes were so blue, big, and bright that they made a contrast that drew attention especially since she had a an aura that just screamed confidence. People gravitated to her but she never held much of a conversation always living in her own world distracted by the next thing. So while she was popular from afar she hadn't had any friends until I met her and since she needed friends and I needed a girl to relate to, we hit it off pretty quickly.

On the other side, I met Zack a while ago back when I was in elementary school. He was sitting on a bench in between some cubbies alone. He was shorter than me then and I felt protective over him like a big sister. He was shy and had floppy brown hair that always seemed unkept and messy but it worked so well. He had a matching pair of brown eyes that just looked so curious. I wanted to know what he was thinking but I needed an ice breaker. I walked over to him and offered him a bag of pickle chips for his chocolate chip cookies. He smiled just a little looking at me cautiously before agreeing and I'd told him that they chocolate chips looked like his eyes. And well he said the chips had smelled like my breath. Not the best at a conversation but it made me laugh and since then we became snack buddies and eventually best friends.

So I did what any person with their family away would do. I called Serena and Zack over for some "study time" but we all know that people don't actually study when they say there gonna study. It's like saying 'I'm gonna work out for the new year' then you just end up eating the whole year away like you did the last. And who can really judge me for that?

Zack was first to show.

"Serena is still getting some of the last minute stuff finished but she promised to be here soon so we can study." Zack stated as he walked in through the front door.

I walked with Zack to my room upstairs and pulled my laptop out and some papers to start trying to debating if I really wanted to be productive today. Then Zack says something I've been waiting on for a while. At least I thought I did.

"I have a girlfriend."

"You have a what?"

"A girlfriend," he says opening his laptop and starts typing something up. He doesn't seem as excited as I am and it's weird. Zack has been waiting for a girlfriend for forever.

"Well, what's her name?"

"Well, she's really interested in acting and she knows almost everything there is to know about law because she wants to be a lawyer and um-," I cut him off while shutting my laptop so I could focus in and see why he wasn't answering my question. There goes my productive mood.

"That's really neat and all Zack but does this girl have a name maybe? As in something I can call her by?"

He takes a big sigh and says it all at once,"Opal Montana."

"Opal? As in Margo's biggest competition in debate club, Opal? Opal, as in the girl who tried to trip Serena and I doing laps in gym Opal? Opal, as in literally the worst possible choice to date, Opal?"

I have nothing against Opal. Well, actually that may not be true. I do. Especially as Zack's friend since I can't even remember a time where his crush wasn't Margo. So dating her biggest competition wouldn't be smart if he wants Margo to like him as more than just one of her sister's friends.

"I know that you really would like to see me with Margo but let's face it, Alec. Margo is one of the best people in this school. She's known for going out with guys because they're everything I'm not."

"Like what?"

" Like daring and handsome and they aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in."

"And you're not?"

"No. I'm not. I thought I made that clear when I said everything I'm not."

"So what's happening here is that you're just gonna give up? Give up on what you have been waiting on since almost elementary school?!"

I can see it. Zack putting himself down because he knows Margo will never see him as anything more that what he is. His sister's friend.

"Opal is different. She's smart and she's sweet and she doesn't have many friends so maybe we could all try to work something out and-," he tried to finish but I could see what he wanted to say.

"Zack, as I said before I don't have a problem with Opal but do you think it's a good idea to make her apart of our friend group without talking to Serena about it?"

"Why would it be a problem?"

"Because of the whole thing between her sister and Opal. It may be a better idea to just wait before you just bring her over. Talk to Rena first."

"Nope not gonna happen. Rena isn't going to let her in. And when did this become a cult that we have to all agree to?"

"Don't be so dramatic. You want to just bring anybody to be our friend when we haven't even met her or made an agreement!"

"You know, sometimes I miss when it was just me and you and it wasn't difficult to make decisions. Because it didn't matter. As long as it was me and you. But that's different now. Now you're more concerned about Serena's feelings than what I want, right?"

"Zack. It's only bec-"

"Yeah I thought so. I'm gonna go study at home today. We'll talk when you know if I'm important again."

With that Zack walked out and I didn't follow him. He wasn't my boyfriend so I'm not gonna beg him to stay. If he leaves then that's on him.

I'm not gonna beg him.

Plus we've been in arguments before so somebody is gonna change their mind and we'll make up because that's what happens. Right?

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