Fifteenth Seconds

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The doors opened for a much rewarded lunch. Fourth lesson was over, overall Erica scored above average in the rankings. The steady pace towards the needed feast, a plate of; roast chicken with a dollop of mustard, spinach and creep (dessert) all to be washed down with cool golden apple cider. Erica's face beamed with happiness, she turns to her flame eyed friend "Best time of day," with a bright smile, they walked towards a set of benches. The Ever girls already huddled into strong detached groups. The Ever boys already finished eating before reaching the tables provided. Only to start a rowel about who has the better sword skills, while a small group started to throw a ball around to play rugby.

The light breeze played with Erica's hair. She looked behind to see a few shadows within the bushes. Her heart stopped. Erica grabbed Orazia's arm tight "Can you see the shadows?" She whispered alarmingly. Straight away Orazia looked dead straight "You really had me there Erica, boy you know how to play a good trick." She giggled. Erica looked at Orazia, wide eyed " can't see them?" Erica teared up. Orazia sat up and replied "They're the Nevers." A big sigh of relief sprang out of Erica's lips. Orazia leaned towards Erica's ear and whispered "It's best if you don't show fear, they can taste it." They linked eyes, a little nod of understanding was passed.

A time flew by on the field, tack-tics are being shouted from far ends of the field from the Ever boys running to and throw. The Ever girls just beside the safety lines, applauding and giggling. Orazia and Erica stayed on their bench to study their day of classes. "My god, first day of school and I see a nose in a book." The two girls look up to see a beauty in front of them. The whole field goes quiet, a few Nevers look towards them. Speechless. "W-W--Ell I mean.... never to early to study right? means...err..." Erica lost her voice. She was drawn to the alluring glittering face, eyes of a stormy sea, lavish burgundy bouncy hair; symmetrically separated, to touch each cheek. Her skin with a hew of washed out blue, reflecting the surrounding area. But what was most noticeable is the black ragged uniform. Her stare was burning for one of them to make conversation. "This...this..." Erica pushing as much as she can "Yeah, father always said it's best to start now, every second is precious." The shimmering figure shown a side smile with the plump lips "Well, your father must be a smart man." There was a short pause again, but the Evers went back to their game while the girls started to walk towards the bench. "Hope to talk with you again soon, you two seem like great company. Unlike them flock of seagulls. bye, bye." with a light wave she left the table. Leaving only behind dust of glitter on the table. "You girls alright?" Asked Elissa with her smooth voice. Orazia turned towards her "Yes, we just had a light conversation." Elissa patted her on the shoulder "That's good to hear, we can never know what the Nevers will do."

The last words engraved into Erica's ears.

An announcement was made for both schools to get escorted towards large gates. It's the class for Surviving Fairy tales, known to be the only class to mix Evers and Nevers. It's said that due to the harsh inside of the real never ending forest that a lot of graduate students meet their doom. So in order to pro-long their life span, a set of challenges and lessons will be at their aid. Each student got assigned a number for which group they join, eight Nevers with eight Evers. Erica found her group number, turns to Orazia "I got six, please tell me you got the same." Erica crossed her fingers for a sign of hope "Sorry, they put me in group eleven." They exchanged sorrow looks. Taking the steps towards group six, she glances at whom was already waiting. Seven Evers already in waiting, while four Nevers still need to arrive. Erica walks closer to her post with a knot in her stomach. Suddenly an arm twists within Erica's, she looks to her side to find the glittery beauty "Hello," spooked, Erica's mouth went dry. " H-ello." She let her voice out. "You don't have to be so scared of me. Even the fishermen keep their cool." a snicker left the cold, purple lips. "Ah- I see. Erica."

"No it's Ligeai."


"You called me Erica, thats quite offensive actually. Ligeai is after my mother in fact."

"Oh...beautiful name."

"Only named for beautiful creatures."

Erica smiled, her knot loosened "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Erica from Dream-Jewel."

"Ligeai from Bermuda Triangle." They reached the group, without a second thought about the linked arms. "So lucky we got to be in the same group." Ligeai looks to the next group over. "Praise Poseidon!" She yelled so loud the group leader looked towards the voice. Ligeai immediately turns to Erica with a smirk "We are also so lucky that the damn Lily Nymph is a Leader to a different group!" clearly said loud enough for the group leader to hear. Erica looks towards the Nymph and back at Ligeai "What's wrong with Lily Nymphs?"

"I'll tell you whats wrong. The damn COWARDS, swam away from the sea slowly evolving to lake water, capturing young folk from closer depths. Technically, far distant relatives. That have have no HONOR."

Ligeai turns back towards the Lily Nymph whom been biting her lip from speaking. Ligeai points at her "YOU HAVE A PIMPLE." confound with the out of place comment. Erica whispers "Why did you say that? she doesn't." Ligeai smirks "We have high pride for our looks. Nymphs like that can't see their reflections, unless it's a clear puddle of man's blood. She won't stop at nothing to see her reflection now." a wide grin appeared on Ligeai's face. The wait for the group leader to show was still in progress. Erica looked towards the rest of the Nevers, from the very corner of her eye she noticed a figure. The tanned skin, ebony hair with raven eyes. "Oh, he sure is a looker in my school." Ligeai spoke with a hiss. "Just think. Erica. Me and him, parading together. Not even the Evers have beauty enough to beat ours."

"You like him?"

"Greek God no, he has great material to become my apprentice. Enough to make possibly a few Ever boys to kneel for me."

Ligeai's eyes sparkled with icy gems. "Let's go say 'hi' to my future fish. It will all fall into place with eminence time." Ligeai looked sharply at Erica "You have to introduce me. Do not met me speak." thus was the only advice she told Erica as they start to walk towards the victim. "Hello... It's a pleasure to introduce to you Ligeai...From Bermuda Triangle." uncertain how she made the first impression of her fellow acquaintance. He just silently watched with the reflective black eyes. "You?" Ligeai and Erica where confused with the question, they looked at one another. "And, you?" He spoke again. "Oh, er. Erica from Dream-Jewel." a strong click of his tongue was heard. Erica frowned "May we have the pleasure for your introduction." she spoke highly.



A tongue click was heard again "Why would it matter."

"Erica, come join me." Erica looked behind her to see Elissa, with a little wave.

"Excuse me," she took the chance to exit. Leaving Ligeai behind, walking towards the Evers. Their group leader decided to finally arrive, a mighty Centaur. His large build of muscle extending to the very tips of his four hoofs. A deep hazel coat, hair a deep charcoal of thick main. A rough voice to fit the thick stubble growing. "Welcome. Students." he held a firm leather book in one hand, reading out "We, shall be entering the blue woods. This is for you too understand the dangers and protection the dark forest it will offer. Now. To remind you, behind those gates is just a fraction of what there is lurking behind the real deal." His mighty dark glaze over the students hidden behind the thick eyebrows. "Now. I shall introduce myself, from now on you call me Mr Donovan. During this training I will call out your name. RIGHT. The rules." Mr Donovan speaks like a daring General giving motivation to Soldiers.

"To all Worr- STUDENTS, this will save your lives. Listen and follow;

Evil attack, Good defend

Evil punish, Good protect

Evil hurt, Good help

Evil take, Good give

Evil hate, Good love"

Another glance at the sorry looking bunch, slammed the book shut with a loud thud. "Right. Follow me."

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