Letter 6

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Dear Furry, 

I miss you so much. I wish I could just swoop and rescue you. I've always wanted to be a knight... I guess that's a bad analogy because that makes you the "damsel in distress." So, yeah, bad analogy, but I don't care right now because I just wanna cry right now. Ok, crying is not helpful at all, but it's not like I can really do anything, but I wish I could. I wish I could help. I need to help. I just need you to be ok. I need to see you and know you're ok. I miss you. 

How could they be so mean? Why can't I just pull you away from it all? Why? Why? Why? 

I can't say anything else right now. I have to go, and my thoughts are too scattered to think.

-The Failing Rescuer

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