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You were alone and cold in that dark cage. That was until you began to hear the hissing of snakes. Your eyes widen at sight of the reptiles. You wanted to scream and cry for help, but you couldn't. You were frozen in fear. The only thing going through your mind was wanting to see your parents again.

You stared at the people standing in front of you. They were whispering to each other and kept staring at the snake you were petting. A woman dressed in snake designed clothing walked up to you. "What is your name, child?"

"(y/n)". You responded. "Is this your snake?"

"And where are your parents?" She ignored your question.

"Gone. They died". You stared back at the snake. "Uncle is gone too".

She stared back at her crew members, then back at you. She noticed how calm you were with the snakes. It was almost as if you knew what the snake wanted as if the two of you were one. "Do you like snakes?"

You looked at her and nodded. She smiled and stroked the slithering reptile. "She's beautiful, isn't she? Have you ever seen them dance?"

You shook your head. She stood up and lend out her hand. You stared at it then back at her. Hesitantly, you took her hand.

"(y/n)! Hurry up!" Lilia called out. You stared at the ginger boy. He held out some chocolate candy out to you.

"Meet me here after the show". You smiled. "I'll show you my secret then".

"J!" You called out, running up to the ginger boy. He turned to you. This would be the first time you would be officially part of his mother's act and you were excited to show him your outfit. "What do you think?"

Your outfit is a simple green snake designed leotard with black tights and flats. Your hair was tied into low pigtails that laid on your shoulders. Mary Lloyd was standing behind you, feeling proud that she had helped you with your makeup. Jerome stared at you. He gave you a small smile. "You look good".

"Really?!" Your smile grew. "I thought it was a bit revealing in the chest area, but I'm glad you like it".

He didn't even notice that your chest area was standing out quite a bit. He glanced around and noticed some of the male circus workers and boys walking by staring at you. A part of him wanted to cover you up and threaten to kill them for even giving you a small glance but looking at how happy you are, he couldn't do it. Instead, he made a mental note to talk to his mother about it and add some changes to your costume later. She sure has become beautiful. He thought. Wait, since when did I begin to look at (y/n) like that?

You stared at the mirror in front of you. Your reflection mimicked every dance move you made. The music filled your ears and you put all of your attention to it. Lilia's snake, Shiba, watched you dance. She hissed and reverted back to her cage when she sensed people coming. You stopped dancing and turned around. A group of girls walked up to you. You could tell that they were from the town that the circus is currently in.

"I'm sorry for bothering you". One of them said. "It's just that we saw you talking to that handsome red-headed boy over there".

You glanced at where she pointed, spotting Jerome helping set up for the show. A feeling of jealousy dropped to your stomach. You turned back to the girls. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend".

Their eyes widen at your statement. It wasn't true, but you hated whenever girls would walk up to you just so they can get close to Jerome. Your Jerome. You know treating him like an object is wrong, but he's your best friend. You told each other everything. Even the girls in the circus know that you have a crush on him and don't bother trying to go after him. Plus these girls only like him for his looks, they don't even know him like you.

They looked at each other with disappointed looks. They left you alone after they noticed Jerome walking up to you. He stole a glance at them before turning to you. "What did they want?"

"Oh nothing, they were just wondering how long we were staying". You shrugged. "Apparently they're too busy to see the show. Don't worry about it".

He nodded and shrugged it off. You stared at him as he grabbed Shiba's cage. You followed him as he walked, feeling a bit guilty about what you did. I mean, it's not like Jerome feels the same way about me, so what's the point of me doing that? You thought.

"I like you".Your eyes widen at the words that escaped Jerome's mouth. He had come to your trailer to have a break from his mother. The two of you were talking and one thing leads to another and next thing you knew he kissed you. "I like you, (y/n)".

"Jerome..." You felt tears forming. "I like you too. Hell, I might even love you!"

He chuckled at your reaction and caressed your face, wiping the tears from your eyes. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips. You kissed him back, causing him to smile. He pulled back and you couldn't contain your excitement and tackled him into a hug. This must have been the best day of your life.

Jerome Velaska, the son of your teacher. The boy that you knew since you entered the circus. He was your first friend. He's your best friend. And now he's your lover. You know everything about him.

Or do you?

Psychotic Ex-Boyfriend (Jerome Valeska x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now