3: impatient

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After a 16 hour flight, me and Mathew got off the plane and stepped into our old home.
Korea. It felt better now that we were home, but we can't get distracted, we are on a mission. To find yoongi, yell at him, and then become a idol for YG entertainment.
I grabbed my suitcase from the over head and went to the boarding stations where I would find my luggage. I grabbed my luggage, but it was missing my cat keychain, I guess they lost it on the way. Oh well.
I got my phone from my pocket and called yoongi.
"Hewo! yoongi cant come to the phone right now, JUNGKOOK I SWEAR TO GOD, please leave a message and I'll get right back to you!"
It went to voicemail.
"Hey yoongs, I found out you're in Korea! Blackpink told me, I'm mad, and I'm going to see you. Please call me back"
I put my phone into my suitcase when I realized that I had the wrong luggage!
Mine was a dark blue with cat stickers and a cat keychain.
I ran back to the boarding station and as soon as I got there another man, probably 25, ran up to the desk as well, WITH MY LUGGAGE!
"Hi excuse me, that's mine"
I pointed to my luggage and he replied with
"Yours is mine, well, the one you're holding"
His voice sounded extremely familiar
It took me a while but then I realized it was jhope!
"Oh hey jhope!"
"Hi, are you a ARMY? Do you want a picture or something?"
"No hobi, it's me! Y/n!"
"Y/n? I don't think I know a y/n"
"Min y/n? We went to high school together, we dated!? I'm yoongi's sister!"
"Prove it"
"Bts is a gang of ware-"
He quickly put his hand over my mouth.
"Shush! No one knows that!"
"*muffled* now are you convinced?"
I slid under his arm to get his hand off my mouth to talk to him normally.
"I said, now are you convinced?"
"Yes. What are you doing in Korea?"
"I need to see yoongi, I still can't believe he left Miami"
"How do you know he lived in Miami?"
"Oh ok, gottcha"
"You lucky you cute"
"If you weren't, I'd slap you across the face"
"If you did, you'd be sued"
"I don't want that, I made billions in the last 7 years. Without your help"
We exchanged luggages and parted different ways. I got out my phone and called Taehyung.
Wonder if he remembers me? Or like jhope, did he forget me too?
"Hey, this is V. I can't come to the phone right now. But leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. YOONGI STOP SNORING!"
"Hey Taehyung, I wanted to call you and see if you were in Korea, and when you call back, tell yoongi I'm worried as hell about him, bye"
I was about to get into the Uber Mathew called when I got a call back. FINALLY.
I didn't read the caller ID, I just answered the phone right away.
"Hey Ace!"
"Who's this?"
"It's Namjoon! I've been waiting forever to call you!"
"Ok, is yoongi with you"
"Yeah, we just off the plane back home. The rest of the members had their phone on mute or just powered off"
As soon as he finished his sentence, there was a big crowd screaming
I started walking towards it and I saw the boys!
I hung up and started yelling
Then I heard my name being called.
"Y/n!? Where are you?"
I pushed threw the crowd and hugged Namjoon. But he grabbed my hand and ran away from the other members and away from the crowd.
"Do you have a car?!"
"No, but Mathew called a Uber"
He ran towards Mathew and jumped into the car, still holding my hand.
And after 2 minutes of shock, Mathew got in the car and drove away.
Me and Namjoon we're laughing while trying to catch our breath.
"So, do you plan on staying long?"
"Yes actually, I need to order 3382980000000.00 won (3 billion dollars)"
"Yeah, I probably made about 4 billon on my book, the shadows"
"Wow, just on that book?"
"Yeah, but I'm currently making another one called 'picture perfect'
(That will be the next title of my next fanfic)
"What's it about?"
"It's about a boy who is famous, but struggles with self love and self image. But a girl, who is blind, falls in love with him.
And the whole point of this book is that true love doesn't matter on looks, it matters on the personality of a person"
"That's really deep"
"Yeah, I thought of jimin and me when I wrote that. Well, the only difference on me and Kira, that's her name, is that I'm not blind, and I only think of him as a friend"
"That's really cool"
"Thanks, what about your job? I haven't heard much about you guys, but I saw you on 'good morning America'"
"Well, it's hard. We can't set a strong friendship with another member, we can't eat what we want, and so on. But we are following our dreams everyday"
"What are your songs about?"
"Well, we have a album series called 'love yourself' and our songs are about serious things like depression, anxiety, self love, heart break, and loss. But we made additional songs to haters. For example ddeang, mic drop, beapsae, not today, and the cypher series"
"Wow, you guys have been busy lately, but is that why you haven't been texting or calling?"
"No, we're also not allowed to have strong connections with women. Like a friend, sister, acquaintance is fine. But like girlfriends and female best friends aren't allowed"
"That's so fucked up!"
"Yeah, but we have to follow rules"

I Need U (book 2) bts ff (CONTINUED AFTER A YEAR OF NOT POSTING)Where stories live. Discover now